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I've always hated cheaters. They make theyre mate feel unloved and betrayed. Its happened to me but for some reason I am my worst enemy. I know that cheating is wrong but I continually do it. I'm in love with a great guy whom I've never thought of cheating on and last weekend i went camping with some friends and was really attracted to one of the guys there. I didnt do anything although i was tempted. However, a couple days later at the bar i saw the same guy dancing with a girl and i found myself extremely jelous and disappointed. So what did i do? I won him over and slept with him that night and woke up the next morning feeling more guilty than i ever have in my entire life. Its been eating away at my inside for 2 days now. I'm not going to make excuses but I will tell you the situation before this horrible incident. My bf is a jehovah's witness and recently strayed from his religion, met me, and we fell in love. I figured that he was never going back but guess what. He did. Now he wants me to stop seeing my friends and to be a straight edge person. No one has ever asked me to do that. Anyways I thought that it wasnt going to work out after i hadnt seen him in 2 weeks but after the incident i realized that i am completely in love with him and i am willing to change my life. I want to tell him so badly but i dont want him to leave me. I am sincerely sorry. What should i do? Sorry this is so so so very long.

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If it's someone you don't know and will never see again, and you are actually committed to changing them I wouldn't tell him. If it's someone he knows, a friend of his, then you have to tell him. I'm not totally convinced you are going to change, but if you are really committed to it I commend you. I just really hope this isn't going to be one of those, I need my bf...i just also need to go astray from time to time to reassure myself i'm sexy...

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I am serious about changing. I feel so bad about myself and this isnt the life I want to lead. I think that i just have to accept that i'm going to be attracted to other people and i will be tempted to cheat but i cant because its not worth it. I do really care about this one. He loves me and he thinks i'm sexy. He can reasure me. I just need to control those urges i have to be bad and focus on being a better person. thanks for your advise.

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you feel he has crossed the invisible line of the sacred personal space. If you really love him you need to talk to him. End it or try to work it out. Your probibly scared to speak for your self, but the only way any relationship will ever work is by communication. You sound scared to talk to him or you just want to end it. face your decition. You need to find out why you cheeted and that will give you the answer. It all is about you at this point.

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