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i gotta a little big problem...

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alright, me n this girl have been practically best friends for 4 years now, and now we're going to be soph. in high school. ever since about 7th or more towards 8th grade, we've liked each other, but the thing is, it's always been at different times. she'd like me, and i wouldnt like her, then she'd get over me, i'd think about her a lot and end up liking her, and the cycle continues. we've had relationships with other people since then, and currently she's going out with some guy, and i'm single. they've been going out for awhile, and i was beginning to like her again before they started going out and i was planning on telling her one day, but after a marching band practice, i saw them hanging around together and i got really bummed. but over the course of time, i've begun to really really fall for her, and i've tried letting feelings like that go, but everytime i do, the feelings never seem to go away. and i've told her that i liked her while they were going out, because i just couldnt take "hiding" it from her anymore. whenever it comes up, she's always said that she still does have some feelings for me, but she doesn't want to screw anything up with her boyfriend either. i've gotten to know this guy through the school year and everything, and he's a really cool guy, and i've also told katie *the girl* that i just want her to be happy and it's ok if it's not with me. but anyway, my question is, should i just wait out the relationship, really try to get over her, or what? i've tried asking friends, but i've really run out of options by just talking about it, i think i need some real advice. sorry for makin this so long too . its my first post. any help would be greatly apprieciated

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Ya know, your relationship sounds like my own relationship with my then best friend, now turned boyfriend (and still best friend). We had known each other for years, had crushes on and off, went out with others, but we did end up together as of two years ago. Your story sounds so much like my own...that I HAD to write. Ok. Now I will try to help answer your question. The thing that I would tell you to do is just be a friend. Be there for her when she needs someone to talk to, lean on, or whatever. Listen, love. It's ok. Be supportive of her relationship--as it seems you have been--I know that it is probly kinda tough to see her with this guy when you have fallen for her, but you are sophmores, and you never can tell what will happen later! (My boyfriend told me that my sophmore year is the year he really realized he liked me--and wanted to go out with me. At the time, I was in a relationship that I was very happy in, but he was just always there to listen and talk and just be a friend. After the relationship ended, he was still there...still wanted to be more than just friends, and I came to my senses and realized---the one was right here all along!) I can't say what exactly will happen with you and Katie, but above all, being there, being a friend is the best thing you can do. You never can tell what will happen in the future...

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  • 2 weeks later...

ALLLRIGHTY, now i'm completley confused


i just got back from band camp, where she had asked who i liked (even though i had told her a little while ago i liked her), yet, the saturday before we "crossed arms" er whatever u would call it, and at band camp, she held my hand in front of her boyfriend and practically stared in my eyes.


can anyone try and figure this out? i could really use some help. thx a lot




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I'm gonna tell you straight...girlz are confuzin. Don't assume anythin jus yet. Take ya time take it slow. Don't be blinded by somethin that could be as simple as a stretch in friendship. Holdin handz and lockin armz could jus be comfortable to her as her friend. Her boy could jus respect that you 2 are good friendz. I know itz weird, but don't make any movez till she doez. Till she takez it to the next level. Then find out whatz up. Cuz if she likes you then she shouldn't be draggin out the relationship she haz right now to be hurtin him. Jus take time. Time is everythin even if it takez no time at all.

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