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my girl-girl 'make-out' and why is she actiNG weird?? please heelp

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hi hi! well, the other day i happened to be sitting beside my good friend at a party (the girl ive become increasinglyattracted to for some reason that i dont quite even understand). everyone else was outside and we knew nobody was going to be in for quite a while. and you knw, if it had only been sitting side by siide...but it wasnt...she was really close to me on the couch, my legs were crossed towards her...to the point they were literally touching, even her pelvis was like sort of deliberately turned towards me. and so as we were talking, she was talking to me about things but with her hand slightly covering her mouth..kind of in a whispering way, even though as i say, nobody was really around. lately she seems to go around extra 'posy'..as in, she poses around quite a bit lately which she never used to do...which by the way im scared of, cause shes really pretty (its not just me who thinks it, but everyone)..so i hope shes not transforming into some 'full of herself' person, cause i adoorreee her! (adore her the normal way she was befoore).

so we're sitting rite, and she sat up for a second in a reaally posing sort of way..it was incredible but soo stunning to me..her back was mega straight, and she caressed her hair a little. so we carried on talking...the thing is, a few months ago if we ever talked, she was more casual,more giggly.. you knw, but now it sometimes looks as if she's a bit 'too serious' or suddenly 'growing up' - but as if she is TRYING to, cause kwing her, it just seems so fake...like i always seem that im not in 'control of my emotions' beside her, cause she IS...or she acts it..like doing little lip pouting gestures and smiling..but being careful not to smile too much...sort of 'muse/queen-behaviour', though deep down i knw shes still the same person.

so there are two things going on here: firstly, EVENTUALLy we got off the couch and went elsewhere, but there had been instances where i had this incredible urge to just plain make-out with her (which i didnt ) ..the setting and timing was rite and im wondering if she had thought the same, cause ive sat beside friends before but not in such a close, 'posing' sort of way. next time, and i knw there will be a next time...what can i do? how can i approach the 'dyu fancy making-out'? ...ive never told her i like her, but i think my actions speak volumes. it was as if nobody dare to take the first step the other day, even though we were in like the perfect seating position that couples are when they do!!! sooo frustrating!! and another...why on earth is she being all 'snobby-posy?' (although still friendly ofcourse) lately?..i dont want her to change..no, more accurately, its like she plays 'hard to get' with me..i think thats it...but whyy?? i dont want her to chaange!!

can anyone please help???........thanks so much

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First, are you both aware that you would be willing to make out? I mean, its not as if she things you are straight or that she isn't comfortable kissing girls? Just want to make sure so that you don't fall into a very awkward situation with her not seeing things like you do.


Now, generally people don't start just making out. You were feeling nervous and scared, as was she. Neither of you wanted to take the risk of making a move and having the other person not want that. And even if you both were absolutely sure, its not something that you do without a lot of fear, hesitation, and doubt. It is a big step and neither of you were ready at the time.


I believe that when the time is right, it happens. If it hasn't happened, that means the time wasn't right. It isn't something to worry about, or feel bad about. It's just the natural course of things. There is also a reason people talk about their feelings and say they like each other, go out before they get to kissing. It is because once you know that the person really does like you in that way, then the kissing becomes less scary and easier to do. So talk to her about how you feel. That way can you not only get the kissing, you can see where things stand as far as a real relationship.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I get the feeling she's realised that the way she normally acts isn't attracting your attention enough so she's now trying different tactics like 'preening and pouting'. I think it's time you two had a private talk to find out exactly what's going on!


Good luck

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Yes, I would definatley say that she seems to be trying to act maybe more girly and different so that you'll see her in sort of a different light. A sort of "Oh, she is a girl that could be a girl friend, not just a friend who happens to be a girl" sort of way. That would make the most sense. You could always ask your friends if they have noticed her acting differentley when you are not there versus when you are there.

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