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Just don't be nice to him. Be polite, but thats IT. I don't think you should get back with this guy because he doesn't seem to value you, and its not a good idea to be in a relationship with someone that doesn't feel as much as you do. You're letting him string you along if you keep your hopes up over him changing his mind. If he did REALLY LIKE YOU he wouldn't have broken your relationship and risk losing you by saying "maybe it June". It's all rubbish, don't fall for it. I had to learn this the hard way.

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that's true. well it's another day today, it doesn't hurt as much but i'm finding it sooo hard not to text him. i keep looking at my phone and wishing he would ring me or something, but that's not going to happen. i know he's busy today and busy tomorrow so i probably won't hear from him. it's going to school on monday i'm worried about...seeing him all day and him being fine with all of this.

at least i've stopped crying though!!

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No one should make you wait, if your the one, your the one.


I know it hurts, and you may hate hearing it. If you knew you found the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, would you even consider a split or break? Which could intern give them freedom to possible find someone else?


I don't think so. Move on sounds like the best option.


If you say you don't want him anymore, he might jump and come crawling back too.

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This may seem harsh....how could you believe him when he says he loves you and maps out your entire future with him one minute and then not even on the phone....through TEXT that he all of a sudden doesn't love you. I'm sorry but I think he's just one of those typical guys who either get a kick of a girl falling for them, tell them what they wanna hear and then get more of a kick wathcing them FALL on their face. I've met a ton of guys like that. Sweet talkers.. they are usually intriguing and very interesting people. But those are the type of guys that will never have a secure relationship, and will prob end up alone have no one to love him b/c by that time he'll be wrinkly and old and miserable. So seriosuly, don't sweat it! I thought my relationships evolved around highschool "honeymoon love". Wrong. I'm in my 2nd yr of college and things get better, and I believe they keep getting better. Stop wasting your time. Good luck

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