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I'm going to see her Saturday,how do I handle this?

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I have a friend who just got out of the Marines and is having a party Saturday night.Unfortunately my ex is guaranteed to be there.I havent seen her for almost 7 months since our 3 years relationship ended.(she dumped me)My question is how should I act?I know most of you are going to say just be nice, smile at her or whatever.But the fact is she did me so coldly I think I hate her. I'd like to go up to her and just spit in her face.

Anyhow what is the best way to handle this?I think that if I'am nice and cordulal I'll look like a chump.On the other hand if I'm a jerk I'll look like a baby that can't get over it.

I'd like to skip the whole thing but I can't so what do you think?

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Go. Be a gentleman, and act like you don't know her. Say hi IF she approaches you, and then walk away. Don't engage her more than to say "Hi". Keep your cool. Just have a good time and be yourself.


Chances are she will avoid you just as much as you will avoid her.

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Well, definitely don't spit in her face.


It'd probably be best to avoid her as much as possible, but if you do come into contact with her, be nice. You won't look like a chump, you'll look like a grown-up, mature man who can transcend things that hurt you. I think if you act in any negative way toward her, you'd look like a chump. You don't have to smile at her or go give her a big hug or anything - treat her like anyone else at the party.

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Is this the same girl that you saw eating breakfast New Year's morning that caused you to blow your Grand Slam Breakfast on the sidewalk?


I think you should show up with some eye candy of your own. I'm not saying to enter the "Game On" mode but you need this for yourself as well. She needs to see that you have moved on and this way your attention will be more focused on your date rather than your ex.



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