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One last thing

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I think that's the problem Mask is that suicidal people don't care. If you were in your right state of mind, you would care. It's just that problems in life have clouded a suicidal person's judgement and reasoning.


Suicide is ALWAYS a permanent answer to a temporary problem. Life's problems come and go, no matter who you are. Believe me, I've been very seriously suicidal in my life several times, and every time I pulled myself back. Finally I thought about the whole thing...why was I so unhappy? What could I do to make myself happier?


I did those things and here I am, happy as a clam. And I realized that suicide is never the answer. It doesn't solve any problem. It creates many for the people you love, and will leave them with lifelong suffering. And if that is what you want, then you are truly selfish.

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Whether it is wrong or not - I am not one to judge....but I can fully understand the feelings that can lead a person to want to end it all. It's not a "good" thing obviously...but again...when you reach that point you're not exactly following reason and logic.


It's a complicated issue IMO.


Self-injury though - I do not get at all. How would it help you to cause yourself even more pain ? It's a mystery to me.

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Life is not easy sometimes. It can be very difficult. One of the trickiest things about suicide is you have to wake up every day and tell yourself that today is not the day you are going to end it all. Each and every day you have to find a reason to go on. I can see that being really difficult for those who think there is no future.


However, many of those who commit suicide are young, and quite frankly have simply not yet faced all the pressures of a full existence. For example, can they really identify how difficult it can be to have several people ultimately responsible on them (assuming there are children and a spouse who is unable to support a household on his/her own), no reasonable hope of getting out from behind a huge debt for the next decade, there's a pile of dirty clothes and the washer just broke, a pile of dirty dishes, dinner to be cooked but groceries need to be purchased, the car broke on the way to work, the roof is leaking, the grass needs cutting etc. If you're lucky you get to sit down for 10 minutes to have a coffee. Most days through the next month you're likely not to be that lucky. When that is viewed in relation to the difficulties of coming of age, it seems a bit incongruous. Put another way, older people don't tend to commit suicide because too many people and things are dependant upon them, and they have learned they have to go on. Younger people haven't reached that realization yet, so yeah, for those in their teen years considering suicide it is largely a selfish act. It's one option that's seemingly available, and after the decision is made, there's nothing else to do, nothing else to worry about. But most get past it, and when they do, realize that later in life it was never all about them and the reason they felt so badly was they expected the world to be there a bit more for them and it wasn't. News flash - the world is very often NOT a nice place to be in. It's slaps us all HARD from time to time, and as with everything else, we need to find ways to deal with it to go on and succeed.


So no, I can't see how suicide could ever be considered a good choice. As with many others I have contemplated it during a very dark period of my life when everything seemed so bleak and desolate and future less, but in realizing the absolute futurelessness of never being around again, never accomplishing a single thing ever again, it seemed a rather hollow and empty gesture. Perhaps I considered doing it because I wanted to hurt others, or make them understand the pain I was suffering, but that also I realized was a selfish approach. To sacrifice my life as an object lesson to some others who I would never gain the satisfaction of seeing if I'd had an effect? Seemed so far from worth it when considered in that light.


I know little about self injury, but in most cases I suspect it's an entirely different thing. Perhaps a way of just feeling something? That would be totally opposite from suicide, which is the ultimate attempt to feel nothing ever again.

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Ok well both are wrong! I know i am hypocritical in saying this. I know its stupid for me to say this and write another but this is how i feel. Everyone has a bad time in life but there is going to be something that will bring you right back up and make you smile again! But people who find they need to this need help. That much is obvious! They need to realise people are there for them and that if they seek help they will find it.


People who SI arent always looking for attention like alot of people think. They just want to take out there anger/pain/many emotions. They just want the pain to end and by doing that it does for a while. But then you keep doing it, you get urges and its what you rely on and thats wrong. No one should have to hurt themselves just to make the pain go away!


Suicide sometimes does look like the only option but only to thoses who are suicidal no one else. People need to talk to someone, they need to let people in. That is the only way the pain can ease away. Thats the only way to help yourself.


I know how hypocritical that was but as i said i blieve that!



love always rozi!

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I've never done SI.

I've known about SI for a while, but had no idea how widespread until I came here. I imagine it redirects your emotions to avoid wallowing in despair. For some reason it's not shocking to me, just sad.

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I'm completely torn over the suicide issue.

I have a couple of mental lists.


*PRO*- List


-Everyone has a right to die should they wish, or at least I believe so

-Some mental illnesses are horrific and death would be a more pleasant alternative

-Your family would indeed be traumatised, but it wouldnt kill them

-Everyone dies anyway, its merely speeding up the process


*CONS* - List


-It inflicts pain on family/friends even though they can live without you

-No one knows for certain what, if anything, lies beyond this life

-Life can do a 180 degree thing in just a few days, so sometimes its worth sticking around just to see what happens

-You havnt yet met the next person you could make a positive impact on


Self injury...Id rather take things out on me than others, of course in an ideal world Id be able to handle my emotions in the first place.

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