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Train Analogy to Meeting/Not Meeting the One

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While surfing the web, I found this site link removed that had the following:


I think of the analogy, if a train comes to your stop and doesn't stop, IT'S NOT YOUR TRAIN. Would you try to run after it and make it stop? NO. If someone passes you by and doesn't stop, then they don't want to be with you in the way you deserve. Let them go. They aren't your train. When the right person comes along, they will stop for you. Believe me.


So, does any of this make any sense?


Nice huh?

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Interesting analogy. However, it sort of implies that you aren't out there looking for someone, but rather, just waiting -- hoping that someone will come out of the blue. In reality, you should leave that train stop and walk around and get noticed, rather wait than a miracle to happen.

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Interesting analogy. However, it sort of implies that you aren't out there looking for someone, but rather, just waiting -- hoping that someone will come out of the blue. In reality, you should leave that train stop and walk around and get noticed, rather wait than a miracle to happen.

Well, if you are at the rail station that does imply that you are looking for a train(relationship). It's just that you have to find the right train.

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Relationships and true love are so far beyond anything else in life that there really is no comparison or analogy that you can use to accurately compare.


Do not focus on analogies. Do not focus on relationships. Follow your heart and it will be your guide. And it will always lead you to the right destination.

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Do not focus on analogies. Do not focus on relationships. Follow your heart and it will be your guide. And it will always lead you to the right destination.

I agree 100%. I'm not too crazy about that analogy. If they don't stop for you, perhaps they don't know who you are or know you exist. Perhaps they missed you, were distracted or had other things on their mind. But if they get to know you better, perhaps they will fall for you. In other words, don't give up on them just because they didn't stop for you. Maybe you need to stop them yourself. Unless you have definitive proof that they do not want to be with you, then do not give up.

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I don't like or agree with that analogy at all...


If you don't try to get on the train then how do you know it was the wrong one???


You only get what you want if you go out and get it...


If you get on the train and realize it was the wrong one you get off at the next stop...


Sitting around and waiting for the right train to stop for you is not conducive to getting or finding what you want...


Just my .02

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Maybe the train had a bomb on board, and couldn't go below a certain speed limit, or the bomb would go off?


I think people are looking too much into this. It's a neat little passage. Thank you for sharing your findings Prenkle

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Relationships and true love are so far beyond anything else in life that there really is no comparison or analogy that you can use to accurately compare.


Do not focus on analogies. Do not focus on relationships. Follow your heart and it will be your guide. And it will always lead you to the right destination.


Since this thread has derailed a bit (snicker), I have to ask: Shy, have you ever considered working for a greeting card company? You'd be very good at it.

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Slagar - Wasn't that a movie? About a bus that had to go at a certain SPEED, and if the SPEED of the bus dropped below the given SPEED, it would explode? I believe the movie was called "The bus that couldn't slow down."


(Gotta love the Simpsons for jokes like that.)


keenan - Derailed..... haha.....


Hmm.... a greeting card company. That's something to consider. And if anyone reading this wants help in creating a beautiful card or letter for their sweetheart, I'll be glad to help. Just 5 dollars for words that are sure to sweep the person off their feet.


Ok, fine. I'll do it for free.

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This post made me cackle. Love it!


I now hate trains, as I had to commute on them to work in a big city and had weird experiences most of the time.


What if your train is in another part of the country and the tracks haven't been built to get to you?


Let's switch this analogy to planes! LOL! Less logistical mumbo-jumbo.

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Did you guys ever see the movie "Sliding Doors" with Gwenyth Paltrow?


Here's the link if you can't remember link removed or anyway here's the Plot Outline: A London woman's love life and career both hinge, unknown to her, on whether or not she catches a train. We see it both ways, in parallel.


Anyway, it shows what happens if she catches a train, and what happens if she misses it. Either way the two lives are completely different and she dates different people....


but in the end *SPOILER* (LOL)







She ends up with the same guy! No matter which train she boarded, missed, caught...no matter what happens in her life because of it, and the different kind of life she would have lived (becomes lawyer, becomes free hippie artist), she ends up with the SAME guy - the love of her life.


I thought it was supersweet...and this thread just reminded me of it Kind of interesting eh?

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I read somewhere that this woman practices talking to men in an airport, because she knows she'll never see them again. That way she's not shy when men approach her, and she's not shy approaching men.


But being on a train or plane all day--no one smells good. Most of us aren't dressed right. Some of us have jacked up hair and are annoyed.


Maybe train stations and airports are bad venues for love.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I hit a train once -- we were both doing 50Mph. I didn't see it. There were no flashing lights, no barriers, no gates. I hit the side of the locomotive. Sent my SUV flying and spinning into the swamp and destroyed it. Even the train was damaged from the impact. At least I survived.


Maybe it means I am trying too hard. Or that I am like Bruce Willis in that movie where he can never die

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Did you guys ever see the movie "Sliding Doors" with Gwenyth Paltrow?


Anyway, it shows what happens if she catches a train, and what happens if she misses it. Either way the two lives are completely different and she dates different people....


but in the end *SPOILER* (LOL)


She ends up with the same guy! No matter which train she boarded, missed, caught...no matter what happens in her life because of it, and the different kind of life she would have lived (becomes lawyer, becomes free hippie artist), she ends up with the SAME guy - the love of her life.


Yeah, but...*DOUBLE SPOILER* (Don't read below!):








Didn't she end up dead in one scenario?

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Yeah, but...*DOUBLE SPOILER* (Don't read below!):








Didn't she end up dead in one scenario?
















Yes. Yes, she dies...but I didn't want to ruin the whole analogy and say "oh YEAH! she meets her soulmate no matter what!....but then she dies. the end"


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