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Working together - Hard time with NC

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My ex and I have been separated for more than 2 months and I tried to stick with NC several times. The problem is that she works in the same building (separate sections) and I always find an excuse to go talk to her at least once a week. After that it hurts like hell. She is already going out with another guy, and I still can't seem to stay away from her. I don't call her or anything but I have this irresitable urge to go and talk to her for a couple of mts. I received a scholarship from my university and I found out about it today. Althought I thought about it so many times, I finally went to her and showed her the award letter. She was happy to know about the scholarship but didn't show any other feelings. Now I am hurting like crap. I wish she wasn't working at the same place.

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You know what needs to be done its that your choosing to go over and torture yourself. You are prolonging the pain and hurt by keeping up the weekly appearances at her desk. Instead of going to her desk go to someone elses, go out of the building for some fresh air, come to this site and vent.

Whatever it takes but dont torture yourself anymore.

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