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To Women Everywhere


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Keep your head up woman,

Never let him break you down,

Even if you cry outside

Know that inside

You are the fertile earth…

He may bring the scorching sun

But the thunderstorms that follow

Will awaken seed and new forests


See your reflection in clear lakes

And know

You will live beyond all oil spills

All nuclear explosions

All pollution

Your fertility will outlast

All clumsy efforts of subordination


Your heart must be enough

For both of you

In a world that denies him


He will reject you

The way he rejects himself

A reminder of that which

He is unable to be.

With patience

You hummmmmmm…

As a wise woman once said…

A steady tone.

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As a man I could object, especially considering I can be a staunch supporter of equality and empowering women. And I could ask where is the poem for the men.....


But I won't.


I think its nice and I hope women who read it feel uplifted. Women are strong and in my opinion, just smarter and all around better then men.

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I think its nice and I hope women who read it feel uplifted. Women are strong and in my opinion, just smarter and all around better then men.


Nice poem, lol, thought I don't understand the whole thing (the concept inside it), I'm not an analysist, but it's inspiring.

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well... i'm glad you like it, let me explain.

i'm talking about female strength and how women are like the mother earth, they are able to birth babies and have a nuturing energy. so, the way humankind destroys the earth is somewhat similar to the way that men break women down. and i refer to the strength women have that often times they do not recognize. just because he does not respect you or love you does not mean you do not have worth, you will still be there when he is gone and you will be strong.

and at times, we women must deal with mens jealousy of our strength, their desire to break women down. i'm not saying all men, but a good enough number of them abuse women. there are social reasons for this we could discuss. in those cases we shouldn't deal with it, but at times we have to be patient with them when they aren't able to be nurturing and loving as we are, because they have to deal with all the social constraints labelling them as a wuss for doing so...

guess i've had to interact with a lot of patriarchy and so often men can be closed to revealing who they are or even really listening to a woman cause of all the internalized oppression, they aren't really allowed to express themselves in the same way that women are...

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If more men embraced their innate tender (feminine) side, then don't you think the world would be a better place?

Just today I read a story about Sharon Stone going on a 'Kiss for Peace' - she will kiss anyone if it helps to bring about peace.

In a more serious note, she spoke of how she would like to see more women on the tables of peace/negotiating groups - as women FEEL more with their thinking than men...

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In a more serious note, she spoke of how she would like to see more women on the tables of peace/negotiating groups - as women FEEL more with their thinking than men...


I have to agree with that volution. Wish more women were negotiating peace.

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yes i agree too, but you know, there are more forms of "equal opportunity" these days, the bad form of it, the equal opportunity for women to be perpetrators of torture and violence. they unfortunately are also capable of the same stuff, but yes, a balance of the feminine and masculine would bring about more peace i think...

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