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Today is a blah day. So * * * * everything. Ill just run through the lists.


Relationship problems? Compromising, don't wanna compromise? Not gonna workout.


Heartbreak? It sucks.


Suicide? If your posting on here, it's because you don't really wanna die.


Self Injury? On my meds, I know it's bad. Off my meds, I'll cut my hand off next time.


Today is just one of those days. Don't like my post? Do I care?


You what pisses me off about this forum more then anything, is the fact that if you disagree and post an argument on a topic that is constructive critisism, it get's deleted and then you get this nifty little email message that says "flaming" as the subject. So I thought this forum was about helping people out and voicing your opinion. Which there will be conflict from time to time.

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After being banned a few times from this site, I would like to say that although it doesn't stop me speaking my mind because then I would be patronising fake and in my opinion someone people NEED a strong talking to stop them sinking deeper or wallowing in their misery.

But in saying that, I finally realised it's not what you say, it's the way you say it.

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Attitudes are contagious - hope yours does not catch on. You might try reading a classic, called "The Power of Positive Thinking." Your thoughts affect how you feel, so in thinking about more positive things and finding what's good and what's right in your life then it will actually make you feel better. Everyone has bad days, no doubt. How you manage your bad days though, can affect your overall happiness. So, deal with it.

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I could have come on as an alias yes, but what's the point? I couldn't be me. It was better for me to spend the time away and calm down and see what I did infact do wrong and why my posts where removed and why I was banned and learn from it. I won't ever compromise on my opinion as you shouldn't.

I see you spend alot of time in Self-Injury and Suicide and have wise words for the posters in there and it would be a shame for them to lose a 'friend' who understands and who can help, it really would.

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Like your quote says... "You always pass failure on the way to success". My failure by being being too gobby and I missed out on helping people in the Suicide forum threads. My loss. We live and learn from our mistakes. Afterall, it's what makes us better people in the end, which can only be a good thing.

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Well as I have been away for a day and have calmed myself a bit, I agree with you guys on being a contributing member. Isp's alias's, I'm not gonna go there. My username on here is me, going under another one would not be me. I know I could get away with it, but again it wouldn't be me giving the help that I try to give, rather it would be someone completely different, from others point of view.

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Why not use being banned as a rallying call? Why not rededicate yourself to showing that you are a better person then someone who would be banned?


Bill, I know that you are a good guy, just going through a rought time. The things you say may come accross as harsh at times, but you also have a lot of good things to say. You are a valuable member of this site, and you always have been from the moment you first came in, no matter what your status has been.

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they delete the post not for giving your opinion but because it's belittling another. i can understand that reason. even if we don't agree with someone else, it doesn't give us the right to belittle them. i guess it's what words we use or how we word it. however, i've seen similar posts that don't get deleted so i guess it's their opinion on what belittling is or maybe someone complained about it. becallamjr, i agree with your last statement on isp's alias's on this sight, doesn't make sense why someone would want more then one. what would be the point. and if banned, i don't think i would bother coming back but that's just me.

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There are some posts though that get deleted even when nothing is wrong with them and it isn't belittling. Yet others that clearly are, remain. So it really does seem to be up to subjective opinion.


But don't let it get you down bill. Just fight back harder and show that you are a valuable member of this board and that without you, the whole would be greatly diminished.

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