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age diffrence in a relationship!

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my friend is 15 and her boyfriend of 24 is in there 4th or 5th month of their relationship, right in about 3 months, her dad made them brake up so right now there more or less friends with benefits. i dont know if he had a problem with the age diffrence or just the thought of all around you see child melesters and everything else. i brought this web site up to her becuase she is thinking of having a serous talk with her father about it all and she needs all the information that she can get and all the ideas that might work. what i'm asking here is do you think becuase of their ages should they stay together???? and why would it be a problem if you dont??? do you have anything to back her up with??? help!!!


thank you



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i say as long as they like each other and he isn't trying to just get up her shirt and down her pants. sometimes you find the person you should be with too early and sometimes it does mess with the relationship but if they can both be mature about it until she is 18 i don't thik it would be a problem. she should sit down and talk to her dad about the relationship and how much they do like each other. but i could also see how this could be a problem with hanging with friends cuz i think it might be a little weird to have a 24 year old hanging around with a bunch of teenage girls or vice versa. and that is something they are gonna have to be able to work out.

well i hope this helps a little

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As a mother, I would have a flipping heart attack if at the age of 15 my daughter was dating someone 24. He would be running and hiding from me!!! lol


This being said, I am 39 dating someone 26. I don't have an age difference problem between *adults*, but I have a huge problem with someone as young as 15 who hasn't reached adult hood yet.


People that age can easily be manipulated by someone older, because they are not yet adults. Even if they appear adults, their hearts and minds and experiences are only that of a 15 year old.


I get where pappy is coming from. If she was say 19 and he was 28, then they are both consenting adults. No big thang! ;-)


Just my opinion.



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I agree with Aura.....ask her how she would feel dating someone who is 8 years old....she wouldn't think about it! Well when she is 24 she will also feel the same about someone who is 15. That's my two cents..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Neglecting any issues with sex and such - it depends how far the relationship goes.


A 24 year old guy will want things a 15 year old girl cannot provide him with.


As someone who is 20 and with an ex of 17, i found things like decent conversations impossible. Arguments turned into sulks and everything had to go their way. I found them to be selfish and unsuprisingly, immature.


I know this is my situation, and yes, despite all these problems i loved (well, i still do but weve split . point??) her.


I honestly think it is a case of right person wrong time.


I dont know how much of what i wrote is useful, but its maybe something to take on board - i guess it depends on what you want out of the relationship.


take care



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