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James, as the other have said and even though im young also i was inches away from suicide, i had the knife to my wrists and was bout to do and as i looked up i saw a picture of my brother and i when we were only 6 and 8 years old. Trust me man, dont do it, like what the others said. give life a chance u only live once dont cheat yourself out of it. you only get one chance, only one time on earth. I may be walking a fine line with god and those who arnt religiouse but in any respects, you were brought here for a reason, a reason that others need. people need you, it might be the lil things in life that make it all worth while.... not the long term thing who knows when that moment might come. Just hang in there and please dont go i meen think bout it. even here on this site. just sticming around and helping those who also need help. Coming from myself and almost doin the unthinkable, just try and clear your mind. and set goals in life, thay dont have to be complicated. all they have to do is keep you motivated please james i may be young but i know what im talking bout, we all have problems but dont let a few things drag you down... use them to prove you r worth everything!! JUST HANG IN THERE!!!

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Death is only once if you die once; but cowards die hundreds of times before death. Ironically they fear death (Shakespeare's "The Tragedy of Julius Ceaser"). Are you craven, or is this first death? This is no affront to you, it is a hopes to enlighten you. Are you afraid of feeling "motivated" for whatever reason? Is there any promise that failure is evident, regardless of the circumstances? Have you any proof that EVERY aspect of your life has ended in barren misery? What is a few bad events; evidence you are neither in heaven or hell. For if you were in heaven, nothing but goodness would have made you forget any earthly troubles; if in hell, only evil would envelope you, and you could only think on misery. If you are still alive, then, what is more frightening (I trust you are not a coward), to die or to live?

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To many, it's an act of utter responsibility, but it's still the wrong choice.

I'm selfishly hoping James21 stays with us and in the future can help others in his situation.


So am I.


James, get your *** back here and let us know how you're doing please.

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