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How to loose a guy in 30 days? lol


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I am just at a loss. I have tried everything under the sun to meet someone. Also, I have tried not dating for a time too. No one ever wants to date me. LOL. I am not ugly. In fact, guys check me out all of the time. (no I do not wear body revealing clothes). i smile at people and say hi. I have a great job, I am independent, no children, and I have never been married. I am not even dating anyone right now. When guys go on dates with me (that is when I am lucky enough for that to happen), they asked me or comment by saying, "I am so surprised that you were never even engaged before." I really do not understand what is wrong with me. I am 27 years old and have only had 3 bf's who I dated exclusively in my entire life. I have dated other guys before just not wanting to be exclusive. I have been on a handful of dates. I know that I am not a crazy one, lol, because the people I go out, wants to go out more than just one time. Usually after a month though it ends. I don't even bring up marriage or any serious topics with them that would scare them off. I am kind of sad about my luck. I would really like to have a bf before I am too old. See, lol, most women my age want to get married. All I want is to have a boy friend that could potentially turn into something like that. So, what kind of things should I do? I really don't know. It is so frustrating and slightly depressing. I do not want to go to bars or places like that to meet people. I am not a one night stand kind of girl. In any case, does anyone have any clue what is wrong with me or how I could actually meet someone?

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Hi there,

Well girl I'm of the opinion that you are going to meet alot of 'wrong' men before you find the right one. These guys were probably not the one you wanted to keep anyway or it would have worked out. Of course, that's the easy answer


Someone on here has a quote that says : to find a good partner you have to be a good partner...something like that. So that's where you start.


So what do your relationships look like? What happens in those 30 days? What are your dates like?


Don't date to find a boyfriend, date to get out for awhile and try new things...know what I mean? In any case, keep going out with the purpose of having a good time and the relationship will follow.


Have fun!

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I am kind of sad about my luck. I would really like to have a bf before I am too old. See, lol, most women my age want to get married. All I want is to have a boy friend that could potentially turn into something like that. So, what kind of things should I do? I really don't know. It is so frustrating and slightly depressing. I do not want to go to bars or places like that to meet people. I am not a one night stand kind of girl. In any case, does anyone have any clue what is wrong with me or how I could actually meet someone?


I feel similarly to you except I've got 4 years on ya', haha.... ...I am definitely not one for bars or one night stands either...Most of the men at my stage of life, are either gay or unavailable (married or a girlfriend)


For example, I'll be in a supermarket and I will see a really cute guy--thinking he is by himself and then his wife or girlfriend will walk around the corner



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Angeleyes- Don't worry about it.... to find your prince you've got to kiss some toads. I'm in the same predicament, I'm turning 27 in 2 mos and I've only had 1 serious boyfriend (whom I dated for 8 years) in my life. When it ended I was devastated....but you just keep holding you're head up and brush it off.....don't get so caught up in the "i'm getting old and want to be married" mentality... I think things just happen unexpectedly....just keep doing as you do and the right person will come along......hope that helps....

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Do not worry - 27 is very young. I am a 41 yr old male - make great $, and most everyone tells me I am very attractive/great guy - yet no marriage. I have been in a couple of longer relationships that did not work out - but we ended up friends so that is good. Like you, I have had a lot of "5-date" relationships - usually end with something like "you are a great guy with lots to offer someone" so I dunno.


I constantly hear the questions when I meet women out - it frankly has gotten me very self conscious about it. I almost think it would be better to say I am divorced - people look at me like "what is wrong with you".


Anyhow - you are only 27 - that is very young. Sounds like you date a lot so just keep at it and I am sure you will find someone special.

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When you're looking, it won't come. It'll be there when you least expect it. Or that's what I've found. Before my current boyfriend (4 years), my last relationship had lasted 30 days! I just could not hold on to anyone, and this despite being told that I was pretty, intelligent, funny, independent etc.


Can't give you any answers that will solve your predicament, but I'd suggest not looking for romance. It'll bite you when you're not expecting it.

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When you're looking, it won't come. It'll be there when you least expect it. but I'd suggest not looking for romance. It'll bite you when you're not expecting it.

If you believe in fate and fantasy, go with the above advice.

But if you are sick of waiting... it's all about the numbers. I have found I usually have to go out with 10-20 guys before I come accross one that I'd like to have a relationship with. It's worked out to be about one a year... So, where do you get 20 dates? Do it all. Speed dating (I did it once), Internet dating, let your friends know you will accept a set up, smile when you are cruising the bookstore, grocery store, whatever. Look inviting. Flirt with any man, old and young, to get yourself comfortable talking to strangers.

I pulled down my internet profiles last summer to just take a dating break. I had recently joined a club that is 70 per cent men. We all do a sport together. And while many were married, engaged and had girlfriends, there were plenty of single ones. I have found the best success with this club. I am currently dating a guy (third one) who I had met a couple of times through the club, but a gf from the group actually set us up! So, two of my recommendations put to work.

Take up golf, skiing, mountain biking, running, whatever. But get yourself out of the house and go to places/events where you can meet lots and lots of men. That is the key.

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