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Well, my gf and I broke up several months ago, and I really miss all the great stuff that comes with being with somebody. I miss loving and being loved, I miss sex, I miss having a best friend, and I miss someone always being there for me. I've been working really hard on self-improvement, but I still just can't seem to take advantage of the freedoms that come with not being in a relationship. I see so many single people, and they all seem so content with being single, and I envy that. I don't know, I just want to be happy...

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I've been single for almost my whole life, so I don't even really notice it, lol. I think the best way is to get yourself busy in something. I'm usually so busy with school & friends, that I don't even really notice not having a boyfriend. And the one relationship I had I sorta regret now, and it wasn't that amazing either, so I guess that also helps... I haven't really been with someone I really find great and I haven't even had sex yet. Sometimes not knowing is better than knowing I guess... you don't know what you have to loose. Most of my friends are in relationships though and I felt envious that they found someone, but at the same time I'm still young and I'd rather date someone I'm really into than someone I just find average... and it takes longer to find that person. It does suck though... but generally being busy and not thinking about it helps.

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You know the only time I really feel good about being single is when I watch "Sex in the City" I feel like I want to live in NY, have a drink and a smoke and dress up. Thats the only time I get that shot of I love singledom. Other than that I am tired of being alone. I would love to know that when I am coming home that someone will be there or I am going to meet them somewhere else. I would love the sensation of having a person in bed with me to wake up with in the AM. I guess being single the thing you miss most is the physical contact. I am not talking just sex I am talking someone holding your hand, giving you a hug, or rubbing your back. All of my good girlfriends are married and some even have kids so they long for what I have and I long for what they have...Ahhhhh we are never satisfied with what we have are we?

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It all depends on the person. Some people have easier times adapting to being single than others. Just because they seem content on the outside doesn't always mean that they are.


It sounds like you need more time to readjust to being single again. You were so used to having someone in your life and now they are gone and you don't know what to do. I too felt this way when my ex broke up with me and it did take some time to get used to being single. Now I actually enjoy having "my time" and not having to answer to any one.

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I'm rediscovering life as a singleton.

As stupid as it sounds, your best friend should be yourself.


I'm finding a bit of pleasure in not having someone trying to change how I eat, dress or talk. There's no one to answer to, question my movements or instill guilt for not communicating or for talking too much or getting the facts wrong.


Some things I do are private. I doubt I'll ever meet someone who could spend days in the desert canyons without talking, listening to nature. Few would be happy drifting around town playing without a schedule, ducking out of a restaurant before being seated because of the noise or crowds, or sitting on the beach after dark when it's too cold for comfort. There's no one around who feels inclined to prevent me from reading an entire page without interruption.


It's damn lonely, but has its advantages. I may spend the rest of my days alone, so I'm looking for the positives. Why not?

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