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i guess im gonna let her go

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It must be pretty painful, but I think you have it right. Talk to her and make the "break" permanent. If she had been completely honest with you then maybe there would be a chance at reconciliation, but it sounds like she's been lying to you and trying to hide the fact that she's interested in this other guy. Getting back together would be a big mistake. You deserve someone you could trust.

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Look, if she is late, and it is yours, you need to do the right thing and support her in that regard. If she has your child, support her and be a real father. If she wants another man, set her free, let her go.


Trailing her in your car, that's stalking. Not good, and it will not bring her back. Tell her that's it over, it's your best chance at anything in the future with her too. If you want it. Once you get over her a bit, you probably won't.

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Oh italian I can only imagine the rest of us shaking our heads knowing this is what was going to happen. I am sorry. You would rather stay with someone who is lying to you, sneaking behind your back than to be alone? Where is your self esteem?! You don't deserve this, and you don't deserve to be taken for granted like this either. And as for her period being late, says who?

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Ya know, another thing just came to me. She certainly is not acting like someone too concerned of the fact that she is 6 days late on her period. Like Brando said, make no assumptions but I certainly find it curious if she is late why she is running to another man and having no concern she may be pregnanct with your child.

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You don't need this woman in your life, no matter what your heart says.

I went through a breakup where I stalked the other guy with serious intentions, and luckily caught him days later after my brain woke up. Anything confrontational will hurt you for years. Pull out of it by leaning on friends and trusting their advice. You aren't yourself now.


She might be late from emotional stress. She's not immune to that, especially in her situation. Could she just be tossing in some drama?

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i met her at her work like 2 hours ago and we sat in her car for about an hour talking. She said she def wants to get back together but she needs a little time. I was somewhat understanding.

when i first sat down w her i said "listen, im not here to try an win u back, all im doing is that im admiting that i lost u to another guy and that i will leave u alone and let him have u"

She got really mad when i said that and she said that he is nothing more than a friend and wants nothing to do w him like that.

So..i guess thats that.....when i asked her about the whole pregnancy thing she said that she needs to recount her days because shes been feeling crampy and feels like how she normal feels before she goes on her period.

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Hard situation ... but if she wants to go on a break like u said before, then the problem is there, and accumulating that she has (perhaps?) been seeing another man draws me a picture. Me and my x had been talking about people taking breaks and came to the conclusion that it's just a fine way of breaking up in order to avoid hurting anyone, so a month later she told me about she wanted a break to refigure her situation, then I told her what we had talked about and then I broke up, she cried for 2 hours while I just sat there. Turned out the day after we broke up she wanted me to drive her to the train and then she went directly to the person she had been me unfaithful with. Just as u know it a break or pause often means something else

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You need to realize one thing, when you act liek you need her, she doesn't want you. When you act like you don't, she wanted you. HHmmmm, playing harder to get, makes her want you. Stop showing her you need her, because you don't. Life will go on with or without her. Without her, you will go through some emotional grief. Let her see you greet the beginning of the with a big "OH WELL, and into evey life, a little rain must fall." No chasing, no stalking, they won't help.

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u know what, I WILL NEVER get back together w her. IVe already made plans to go back down to south italy for a month or 2 soon as i get out of school to help get her out of my head. Im sure ill be fine but its really hard when something happeneds like this and its unexpected...........but the main reason that im 100% sure about is that she found someone else...simple and straight

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