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First kiss stories...


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Mine was when I was 5 or 6 on the school bus, from a girl whose name I don't remember. It was a quick peck.

Then I went through an 11 year slump before my next. So my first REAL passionate kiss was when I was 17 with my ex in the gap between two houses.

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My first kiss was when I was 16 when he invited me to the homecoming dance in 2002 so I was Sophomore in high school. It wasn't anything romantic about at all it was more like a kiss on the lips. But, my first romantic kiss was with my bf when we went to an amusement park and he took me on the fairs wheel. It was amazing and really sweet that he did that. I love all the kisses that I get from him till this day but that 1 I will always remember.

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  • 1 month later...

Ignoring truth or dare...


On my front porch, she just planted one on me, and totally caught me off guard.


History: She dumped me in the past. I knew she was trying to get me back, but I have a no second chance policy. Moments later, I kissed her back, but explained that it would not lead to anything.


Kisses were quick, not much passion.

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I was 16. The funny thing is, I had sex, several times, before I had my first kiss.


Kissing is awesome. It feels like electricity, beginning at the lips, but then rushing down to the feet. My knees felt so weak.


Maybe there were kisses when I was younger. I think I might have kissed my cousin or my childhood sweetheart back in elementary school.

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I was SUPER shy as a kid & teen, and didn't get my first kiss until I was 20. A guy I'd known for a couple years, we went on a couple dates, then when the kiss happened... he licked my lips first before kissing me.... ugh!!!!!!!!!! I also got mono. But my first experience hasn't hurt my image of kissing, I love it

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15, at the beach at around 4pm. My girlfriend and I were laying down in the sand, with our heads really close together. After about ten minutes of just gazing and smiling at each other, the following conversation occurred:

Her: "You're not going to do it, are you?"

Me: "Do what?"

Her: "This-" *enter kiss*


It was a good day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Before I give my story I just wanted to ask something. Most people here are from the U.S and it seems like kissing on the cheek is considered as intimate. Or am I wrong ?


In Belgium and alot of other European countries we kiss on the cheek the whole time to greet eachother. We actually kiss both men and women like this. Maybe I understood but wrong but how is this considered in your country ( am just curious )


As for me ... My first real kiss was at the old age of 19. I spent the whole day at my gf's house but in the evening I had to leave. Well actually her mom invited me to stay over but since we knew eachother for only 1 day I didn't want to be in too much of a burden. And I didn't told anyone where I went so I was heading back home. So she came downstairs with me and we were both in the doorstep. That's where there was this ackward silence and I didn't know what to do or say. In myself I felt like I failed once more to express my deep feelings but that's where she grabbed me and kissed me.


It was cold that night but I stepped several miles back to home while whistling and dancing. That was one happy feeling ^^

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  • 4 weeks later...

My first was just the other day! I was 17. It was really late night/early morning at a party and it was my birthday I was fairly drunk and standing on this stair railing thing. My friend was trying to get me to come down but i wouldnt listen to her. Then she asked this guy to come help. I got down eventually and the sat on the steps and the guy sat next to me and put his arm around me and we were talking and then we just started hooking up and pretty much kept going at it for the whole night haha. best birthday ever!

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My first kiss was when I was 16. My cousin set me up with the lad I didn't know him. We kissed in a ladies public toilet at a GAA club it was terrible.


I think my first proper kiss (where I actually knew and liked the guy) was last year after my 21st. We were sat outside a club me on his knee just chatting he just turned and looked at me and said "will you let me try something" and I jokingly said depends on what it is and he just lent in and kissed me it was nice really sweet. But still nothing like when I kiss the guy Im with now.


Tarkan I agree with you Im from Ireland and a kiss on the cheek is a greeting to friends and family when you meet doesnt matter whether its a boy or girl its not seen as intimate.

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There are some good stories in here! The "playground" kisses are kinda cute. Even some of the bad-experience stories are nice in a weird way. Like a few in this topic I haven't had a first kiss yet (I'm 23), but a few months ago I had a dream in which I did. Not the same, but it actually made me happy.

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First kiss ugh it was terrible i was 13 it was a neighborhood boy and he was not the best looking, overlapping teeth, way too skinny, with a small head and a long narrow face. It was a dare because stupid me i decided to play truth or dare with only ONE boy involved and picked dare, we leaned in a couple of times but id end up chickening out, pulling back squealing while jumping up and down. Finally he kissed me and i felt like i had just been licked by a st. bernard. It was sloppy wet and i remember wiping my mouth off making the worst face ever. Needless to say i didnt kiss ne one for over a year after that one.

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me and my bf were dating for a month and a half before we shared a kiss. The night before we shared our first kiss, were laying next to each other just gazing into each others eyes. We felt the tension, but niether one of us made a move. The next night it happened. I was millimeters from his face and I lightly brushed my lips arcoss his and wham-o!!! We kissed passionately for 4 HOURS!!!!!!! no lie. It happened at 12am and lasted until about 4:15ish. My lips were really chapped the next day and the area around my lips and chin were red for a few hours....lol...same with him. Was that an experience for me!!!

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My first kiss was in high school with a girl named Stacy. Stacy was a very sensitive and emotional girl, but very kind-hearted. I haven't seen her since. I am a very sensitive and quiet guy. I guess we got bored.


It seems I have the most boring kissing story, not poetic, not on the titanic, not in Cuba. Just in the high school halls. I think she's like a dentist now.


My first kiss out of love was to this girl Meaghan, it was on her futon at night and she said she was healing from depression. Her 'therapist' used to give her these sweet fruit flavored candies, well I took one of them put it in my mouth, and we swapped candy as we made out. That was another first, candy swapping, I hadn't done that before and haven't to anyone else, it's sort of copyright me and her? I like the fact that those candies that she got from 'healing from depression' therapist, was a nice way to help her become happy again from our luscious session.


It was not epic, we just kissed. My real first kiss, is going to be insane, and it'll throw me off. CAN'T WAIT, meanwhile, I'll just be a good boy

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ok so i was 13 when i had my first kiss and it was horrible i ended up getting my braces caught on his so it was really akward because at the time we were out of town for states for band and ended up having to find our director and he had to bring us to an ortho even though i loved sitting there with him for a hour and a half getting them undone it was quite ackward...its been three years since then and we r still together and we always joke about it but it was still horrible...](*,)

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I noticed there aren't any stories here from people who got their first kisses a little later than most. I'm 22 and I just had my first kiss last week. So I hope sharing my own little story here will help give some other guys (and girls) some optimism!


I had asked out this attractive girl from one of my classes and we met at a restaurant for lunch. We had been flirting a bit previously so I was excited to see how the date would turn out. In the shower before leaving I remember realizing that this might be the day I losing my kissing virginity! As it turned out, we did have a lot of chemistry on the date. The sexual tension in the air was palpable.


Outside the restaurant afterwards she proposed a little game. She said she had just quit smoking, and it was my job to stop her from giving in again. I told her I could think of a few ways to do that... So I followed her as she went to the store to buy cigarettes. A couple times, I put my hand on her waist, but she just turned away. I wasn't deterred of course, and once she had bought them I reminded her she still had to make it outside!


We got outside onto the street. She pulled out a cigarette just outside the entrance of the building, where there weren't too many people around. As she put it in her mouth, I knew this was my chance. I pulled the unlit cigarette out of her mouth and moved in...


About a second later I was surprised to find that I was kissing her! I guess for a first kiss, it was actually really good. It was light and tender at first. I remember being surprised at how light and pleasant her lips felt. After a bit I felt her tongue tickle mine, so I tickled back. I remember finally understanding what people meant when they say that a kiss says more than words. After all the tension and anxiety leading up to this moment, it felt like everything suddenly just went blissfully silent.


We parted after what felt like just under a minute. She smiled and made a little joke about me apparently being a fan of PDAs. Then we headed off to the subway to go our separate ways. As I walked home from my station afterwards I licked my lips, to see if this had just been another dream like so many I've woken up from before in disappointment.


They tasted like lipstick.


I don't really know how things are going to go with her even though I like her, so I hope I don't eventually regret writing this here! I guess I don't even know if it was a good kiss for her, who's obviously had way more experience at kissing! Whatever happens though, I'm just happy to have had a first-kissing experience that was way better than all those horror stories everybody else seems to have.

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Okay mine is an embarassing one so if your in for a laugh this could make it happen. So I was oh 12 years old. We were in the McDonalds PlayPlace (Yeah romantic eh) so we were sitting there and we discussed it like we were deciding on a china pattern lol. so finally we hugged and then he kissed me. Then his little friend who was watching us the whole time came in and my BF looks at him and says okay so whats next........this is what his friend said. Now you guys can french then sleep together (sleeping no sex), feel each other up and on and on. So romanctic to have his friend and Ronald Mcdonald as an audience for my first kiss then getting the list of what's next afterwards lol!!!!

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When I was 16 it wasn't anything serious or anything. This guy asked me to homecoming when it happen and I just remember it being a quick kiss on the lips and that was it.


My first serious kiss was at 21. It was right when I just started dating my bf and we were at a BBQ at a friends house. I had to leave and my bf walked me out to my car and that's when I had my first serious kiss.

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  • 11 months later...

i was 15 when i had my first proper kiss. it was in the summer holidays and we were camping at the caravan park by the beach. i had only met the guy the day before but that night a few of us had decided to buy some vodka, after we had had a bit the guy and i kept of cuddling and then he leaned in and kissed me. it was really yucky and his tongue was all over my mouth. and he had really bad breath :S not the most romantic kiss

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My first kiss all went well but was kind of dissapointed in what it felt like. I think we were both too tense and trying too hard. I also didn't have the idea of kissing one lip at a time. Not lacking in effort but lacking in technique. Wish I'd had more fun by practising more at the time!

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