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i need boyfriend help ASAP

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ever since my boyfriend and i started going steady (it's been about a month), he's changed ... he doesn't shave as often (ouch!), he doesn't offer to pay for food and movies when we go out, he doesn't open the door for me ... he's basically stopped being the gentleman he was before i was his girlfriend. i know i'm griping, and perhaps it shouldn't bother me, but i was raised to appreciate traditional signs of courtesy. perhaps there's nothing i can do about it, and i'm certainly not going to break up with him because of this, but i was wondering if there is a way to encourage him to show me a little more idunno, care and respect (if that's what it's called) without chewing him out and breaking his ego (i'm guessing that would be a bad thing to do...) . also, we were supposed to spend the day together today, and he called while i was getting ready to tell me that some old friends dropped by to visit, and that maybe we'll hang out later. he didn't apologize for the late notice, nor did he ask me if i cared, he TOLD me he was hanging out with his friends and that i should call him later on this evening. he's a sweet guy otherwise, always asks how i'm feeling, compliments me, let's me choose what we do (ahem, what i'll be paying for...), but right now i'm feeling like chopped liver. i'm probably thinking about this too much. but could someone please give me some advice?? i really need some support, i'm feeling confused and insecure. thanks.

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Short and sweet. He hit that one with dead accuracy.


You have to talk about every little thing that bothers you. ESPECIALLY with men. We usually don't realize how important the little things are. You are right in not wanting to come accross too hard, it's not a big enough problem that you have to get in his face about it, but you need to tell him how much it bothers you. Get comfortable with telling eachother your problems right away, and it's a lot easier to get past the little things...


Little things will build exactly like this if not discussed.



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This is coming from a chick that used to be in your shoes... just tell him how you feel... like he said; COMMUNICATE!!! The key to ANY successful relationship is communication... don't hope or wiat for it to work itself out... MAKE it happen. Take the initiative and take action, honey! Remind him that it takes two to tango, and right about now, he's stepping all over your feet (metaphorically speaking!).






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