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Silly Holiday, Silly Anatomy. Middle of February.

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For us really trying to find something to hold onto this Valentine's Day...lets take a good look at some symbolism (considering most of us here have been or still are very confused and hurt by another human being):


Valentine's Day. When we are in relationships (that appear or hopefully are rewarding and healthy), we love it. We accept the cheesy retail part of it, but we still enjoy it with our special partners.


Some of us today are looking at this completely differently. So lets take a look at the famous "heart-shaped" symbol associated with this day and love in general.


Quick Note: *This outlook could change. The best thing about life is that we can Change Our Minds.


The heart symbol is associated with love. We see it everywhere. Hearts on greating cards, heart-shaped bracelets, etc. We often associate the heart symbol with the human heart. When we feel love for someone, we say that our hearts are affected. Example: "I love you with all of my heart" or "My heart is telling me..." or "My heart is filled with love for you."


But in regard to this site and the many friends who have decided to share stories of pain, regret, confusion, and love lost, we should really examine this norm in society. It made me feel better.


Here at eNotAlone, we are often advised to go NC and to use our heads. And as a result, by using our heads, we all hope and expect to be in a better place someday. See, if we used our hearts, we all be on this site forever going over the same thing, again and again. But instead, we at some point decide that our heads might have been in the gutter or manipulated or whatever, and we use our strong and mature minds to move on.


With that, our minds are really doing the work. In fact, even when we are in love, we use our minds to get there.


Also, by using our minds instead of ONLY our hearts, we take control of our lives. So hopefully we can laugh a bit knowing there are many people out there listening to their hearts this Valentine's day. They are enjoying it no doubt. Some of us here are probably very sad as we are searching for things to get us to 12am. But we can see the importance of using our minds and hearts together, and that we deserve that from others.


eNotAlone and all of our support has proven that listening to our minds is the best policy. We can feel love no doubt with our hearts, or bodies, or our nerves. But it's our minds telling us we feel that way.


Don't get me wrong, I know I will say "I love you with all of my heart" someday. I hope to. Heck, I can't imagine my mother not tellng me type of thing.


However, next time we say "I love you" with our hearts,we will also know that our brains, consideration, and maturity have really fallen in love with a chance, a risk, and hopefully a person who Thinks the same way!


Hey a picture of a head, not a heart!


Best to all today,



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