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Caring Boyfriend


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I've got one of the best boyfriend's ever and this story that happened last night explains why.



Last night I went over to my b/f's apartment after work, like we had planned, and even though I wasn't feeling all that great I still went. We had dinner, watched Grey's Anatomy, and then layed down on the couch. Even though I was feeling like crap I was trying to act as normal as possible.

(I hate having my b/f worry about me I mean I know it's in the decription, but still that's why I didn't tell him. Yall know what I mean?) While Grey's Anatomy was going on he started kissing my neck, which I love. After it was over I snuggled closer to him and let him carry on, but he could tell something was wrong because I wasn't relaxed at all. He asked me if I was alright and I looked a little pale to him. I said I that I was just stressed about school and stuff.


Then he started kissing my neck again, so I turned over and we started making out, but after a couple of minutes I started feeling worse and worse. My stomach was churning, and my head was killing me (not like a migraine, but like a headache you get when your sick). I then stopped, and ran as fast as I could to the nearest bathroom and slammed the door shut. Next thing I knew I felt someone lifting up my hair and whispering something in my ear. I was sick for about 30 minutes straight and I'd never felt so weak in my life. He took my temperature which was 101.7 and was going saying how I should've told him I wasn't feeling well. But all I cared about was making my stomach stop churning.


After about 30 more minutes of nothing but gagging, I felt myself being lifted up. He carried me out of the hall bathroom and into his bedroom and layed me on the bed, then covered me up with his comforter, then left the room for a minute. Then he came back with a bucket, a washcloth, and a glass of water. He put the bucket by my head and the glass on the nightstand. Then he sat down next to me and kissed my forehead and cheek, then he placed the washcloth on my forehead, made me drinka couple of sips of water, and then got up and opened one of the drawer and pulled out two tee shirts. He helped me change into it, so I didn't have to sleep in my work clothes. After he got me back settled in he kissed me again then told me to try and get some sleep. As I shut my eyes I could feel hear him changing his clothes, then felt the bed move as he layed down beside me. I snuggled the best I could up to him, I was so cold it wasn't even funny. He then wrapped one of his arms around my waist almost without even thinking, and played with my hair with the other one and even though I felt extremely nauseous I didn't say anything. I then drifted off to sleep but not for long, the nausea woke me up and I grabbed the bucket as fast as I could and started getting sick AGAIN! He grabbed my hair and started rubbing my back, this lasted for about 10 minutes then I layed back down totally exhaused. I then looked up at him and his face is one I'll never forget, he was so worried you could see it in his eyes and he kept on saying how sorry he was that I was sick and that he'd take it all way if he could. I told him I loved him then began to drift off again. I then woke up again around 1:30 or so and started getting sick again, but this time I had nothing left all I did was retch and OMG it was so painful. I couldn't seem to catch my breath. Tom (my b/f) quickly woke up and clicked on the bedside lamp, then tried his best to comfort me by the time it was over my face was covered in tears, my cheeks were bright red, i voice was extremely scatchy, and I didn't have a single bit of strength left. Tom forced me to drink half of the bottle of water over a 10 minute period, making sure I didn't get that dehydrated, then I went back to sleep knowing and regretting that this was going to be a long night, not only for me but for him as well. The whole waking up and puking my guts out continued after that, I remember up about 5 or 6 times, but according to Tom said I actually got sick a couple of other times and managed to throw up without even waking up.


When I woke up the morning around it was around 10 and i started freaking out because I had already missed a class and was about to miss another one (we're both in college) and started to sit up and i've never felt so dizzy in my life all i could do is plop right back down. Then the door opened and Tom was standing there with a new washcloth and the same bucket in his hands. He smiled at me and I smile back softly. i felt extremely weak and my stomach was still in a frenzie (sp?). I asked him about class and he said he'd already called my professors and told them what was going on and he'd just gotten off the phone with our bosses explaining that neither one of us would be in today. I mouth thank you then began to dose off again


I still feel like sh*t now, I'm still throwing up, but my fevers gone down a little. Food and me are enemies I don't even wanna try eatting anything. I'm being forced to drink little sips of gaterade or water every hour or so. I can slowly feel myself gaining back more strength, but this whole experience would have to be the worst and the best ever! The worst cause I've NEVER felt so bad in my life and other obvious reasons, but the best because I had someone who I know loves me taking care of me the best he knew how.



**Do any of you have stories about your boyfriend or husband taking care of you when you were sick?**

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Thats such a sweet story!!


I have a super sweet caring boyfriend as well...


There have been tons of incidents where he's shown his Super Boyfriend abilities, but one stands out in my mind right now.


I was feeling really low a couple of months ago and I didn't want to be around anyone. I was really emotional, really angry and really unbearable. I was pushing everyone away and retreating further by myself. After I told my boyfriend to basically F-off, I went into a room and started crying. I heard the front door close and I felt even worse.


I couldn't understand why I was feeling the way I was and I felt like I had completely lost control. After a while, I heard the door open again. I heard someone moving around downstairs but thought nothing of it.


A few minutes later, my boyfriend walked in with a rose and a platter of fresh diced up fruit, arranged together to form a giant flower on the plate. He told me he loved me and he'd never "F-off" lol.


It was the sweetest gesture anyone had ever shown me. Although there have been many more since then!

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Great stories. You girls are lucky to have such wonderful boyfriends.


To a guy, seeing the woman you love sick is a gut wrenching experience. You would do anything to make her feel better. If anything, the guy probably wishes he could do more, would even take the pain on himself just to relieve it from you. I only hope one day I can have a girlfriend to show that much love to.

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**Do any of you have stories about your boyfriend or husband taking care of you when you were sick?**


Thanks for sharing a happy relationship story! My ex boyfriend from years ago once stayed with me all day and night when I had food poisoning. I could not even keep down water, so he chipped ice for me all day that I could nibble on and stay hydrated without getting sick.


My current boyfriend does sweet things for me all the time. Once when I was sick, he had to play with his band that night. He came home right after they played instead of hanging out afterwards and socializing, etc. I didn't even ask or expect him to.


Last night I came home exhausted from snowboarding with friends. It was an all girls day (or so my friend told me it was going to be, that's another story) and he had an electronics project he was working on anyway. So, he said he'd stay at my house and watch my dogs and keep them company while he worked on his project. On top of that, when I came home worn out and sore from many falls, he offered to take my snowboard rental back to the store so I wouldn't have to drive.


He's just a super-considerate guy.

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That was really nice and caring of your boyfriend to take such care of you. Not alot of guys or girls for that matter could help out in that situation. I have never had that happen except from friends who have helped me out by their concern for me or rubbing my back but usually that is the one moment in life I really want to be left alone.


You are very lucky and blessed and I hope you start to feel better and KUDOS to your boyfriend

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I'm going to beat this thing... it's about time too!


I started getting worse yesterday. Then last night my fever shot up and before I knew it I ended up spending my Valentine's Day in the emergency room with two IV's in my arm. The doctor's said that I was extremely dehydrated and all this other stuff I don't remember exactly. I wasn't exactly all there. But all I do know is whatever they did give me made me feel a hell of a lot better. I mean yea I'm still nauseous from time to time and I've still got a low grade fever, but I'm on my way to recovery and that's all I care about. I think I lost over 5 pounds, which I don't have a problem with at all I just wish I could've lost them another way.


Thanks for everyone who posted a response. This whole experence just made me realise more how lucky I am to have my B/F, and I love him to death. Now I hope he doesn't get what I have!

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Eliz, I hope you feel better. Sorry you had to spend your Valentines day like that. Once you feel up to it, make your own Valentines day celebration, even if its a few days late. You deserve it. Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if your wonderful boyfriend doesn't already have that idea....

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italian _stalian, I hope that wasn't a serious remark that you made about the cheating. Men can be loving and caring and do sweet things for their partners without having an underlying motive.

I had a great wonderful caring man in my life that I was married to for 28 years. We both did caring, special things for each other all the time. No matter how busy we both were with work or kids we always took the time to do those little things for each other because we LOVED and CARED for each other, not because we were trying to make up for any wrong doings.

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italian _stalian, I hope that wasn't a serious remark that you made about the cheating. Men can be loving and caring and do sweet things for their partners without having an underlying motive.

I had a great wonderful caring man in my life that I was married to for 28 years. We both did caring, special things for each other all the time. No matter how busy we both were with work or kids we always took the time to do those little things for each other because we LOVED and CARED for each other, not because we were trying to make up for any wrong doings.



i was JOKING cool Lady

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Ok italianstalian, I had hoped that you were not serious on that. I kind of thought maybe you were joking, but its sometimes hard to tell. I just had to say what I thought,just in case you were serious. I do have an issue about cheating type things, because I just recently dumped a cheating boyfriend of which I posted about on here . So I guess I sometimes take exception to jokes on cheating. Have a nice day !!

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Whatta man! That's wonderful!


I'm pregnant, and for the first two months, I was exhausted. In fact, "exhausted" isn't even the word. I felt like someone was slipping me tranquilizers. Anything I needed, my husband did. He made dinner (although I had been home all day), he did whatever cleaning I couldn't bring myself to do. And, even though the poor guy has awful allergies and sneezes for half an hour every time he cleans the cat litter, he doesn't complain because I can't be near the stuff. Thankfully, I'm feeling better, but that was a rough few months. We've been married 5 years and I've never been really sick - colds here and there, but nothing serious - but he always takes care of me if I'm not feeling 100%, as do I take care of him.


Congrats on finding such a great guy. Shysoul is right (as usual!) in that it's hard to see the one you love sick. It's gut wrenching for me when my husband isn't feeling well and I do anything I possibly can to make him feel better. We really take that "in sickness and in health" stuff seriously!


I love him! (Where are all the goopy "in love" smilies? )

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That is a very sweet story. I know that when g/f isn't feeling great I do whatever I can to make it better. I don't know, just something in me wants to take it all away for her. I cook for her, get her medicine, keep her warm, I just like doing it. And she does it for me. For example, a couple of weeks ago I was home from school for three days in a row, after school every day she brought me soup. I think it just shows how much we love eachother. Your boyfriend must really love you.

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I love this thread! I wish everyone that was in a relationship with a thoughtless, selfish partner would read this, and see what a healthy and caring relationship is all about.


With my current boyfriend, I feel for the first time in my life, I'm in a relationship where our primary goal is to truly take care of the other person.

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