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I have this ex girlfriend that I havnt been with in approximately 2 weeks. This girl is majorly hooked on crack cocaine. Which is a VERY dangerous drug. I havnt spoken nor seen this girl for a week. I knew where she was, I knew what she was doing, I know what is going on. I get a phone call at 4am this morning by a sheriff wanting to know if I could come pick her up at the hospital. She has been brutally beaten and has several broken ribs, broken ankle. Today she has numerously came over my parents house just for odd reasons, such as get mail, get clothes.


To be honest I no longer want to deal with this. I have been with this girl for 3 years and it has been nothing but hell. It has ruined my confidence, personality, my affection toward other people. I have severely went down hill sense all of this. Last night really done me in. I finally was at ease with myself. Still had her in my mind every minute but I dont know if I didnt care anymore, or I just come to means with myself.


How do I tell it to this girl SOFTLY.... but hard enough to let her know I dont play games no more and I no longer want to be apart of this. I didnt speak to her when she came here. My father told me she was beaten to a living well almost and looked UNGODLY bad. I dont want to see her like this. I am hurting enough now and that would just set fire to more fire. So how do I let this girl know and to make her realize I am done with her because of her ways and it is hurting me because of her stupidity?

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It sounds she needs more help than what you can and are willing to offer. Are there any rehab centers in your area? It sounds she needs to get some professional help immediatley. The first thing you need to do is stop being her go to guy you are just saying by your actions that you are the one to call upon. This is a hard one because she is so bad off that you wouldnt want to say the wrong thing. Call up your local hospital and ask to speak to someone in the psych department or call a crisis line and ask them how you should handle letting her down.

Good Luck

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Sheeesh dude. This is a tough one.


Sounds like you've already been through the ringer with her a few times.


Addicts are a different breed, while they're addicted I mean. They're selfish and stubborn.


I suggest you make it very clear what your expectations are. If you want her to get help before you deal with her on any level, make that very clear. Be unavailable for anything and everything else.


While I hate to see anyone out there struggling with drug addiction, she needs more help than you can give. You can only beat your head against a brick wall for so long.


I feel for you, and her.

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All you can do is send her the address of the nearest rehab centre and advise her to check herself in. You cannot be responsible for her well-being and even if you wanted to, you do not have the means to be able to help her. Direct her to where she can get the help she needs.

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Ultimately, if she doesn't want to deal with her addiction,you can't do anything about it. You've tried and its taken a toll.


Does she live alone? If she has a family or other close friends, perhaps you could make contact with them to inform them about her condition and let them know that you guys have broken up and that you are NC with her, but want someone there for her.


this sounds really difficult.

If you cannot handle this situation, although you may feel badly about it, you have to take care of yourself first.


good luck and god bless the both of you.

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