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hey everyone...just to give you a background on my story,


My ex gf broke up with me 6 weeks ago. About 3 weeks ago , we had lunch and I asked to reconcile...but she refused..HARD. Besides that encounter..its been NC.


But I guess what I'm trying to get at is...


At this point, I still think about her all the time, but the pain is definitely not as excruciating. Its a bit more dull. What i am starting to feel more of is lonely. And a bit hopeless that I won't find anyone to love again. Its an odd place where I'm at. Its like a limbo stage where I'm not happy, but I'm not completely in pain. Is this just me naturally progressing because I feel like I've been stuck here for a while and feel that this will last forever.


Anyone been here or are here where I'm at?

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I'm there right now. I'm alone, I don't think I'll ever find someone like my ex, and -ok call it immature, whatever you want - it drives me nuts that he will be happy with someone else... But I'm not in as much pain now, I'm not fighting myself to not call him; I know I will never call him until he does.

I want this to pass and I want to be able to love again...

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Been there bud, it's tough as hell. I didn't think I would get through it, everything seemed to be over, we split up on strange terms so it wasn't really over but it was.... weird.... anyways time is the only thing that will truly help, getting out having fun with friends helps, dating again helps, even if it is just for the sake of dating. Boost to the confidence, it took me about 3+ months befor I really started coming around again even then I didn't start really seeing anyone until december, 8 months after the breakup.


It is different for everyone, but your not alone in feeling this way, it feels like it sometimes but it will happen and you will get over it, just give it time. Take anything you have from the relationship like pictures, misc tokens etc and put them in a box, I put my box in my closet where it is to this day.


Good luck, if you need to talk you can PM me.



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Hi Octopuss.. i know what you're feeling cause i felt in the same way as you. I cant tell you exactly what to do to heal becuase certainly im not right person to do that ( to me its been 1.9 years and still hurts.. )..


Just face those feelings and be aware of them..


to make much easier the pain go away..


Good Luck and my best wishes to you

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