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How long til im back to normal?

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Hi, i have been on the contraceptive pill - Loestrin for abut 3 years now, and decided to come off it as it was making me very low in mood. Well, I should have had my period about now, but is has no sign of showing!! I have the cramps as i used to before my period, but still no signs of one. Me and my boyfriend use other form of contraception, but i still feel worried that i might be pregnant, as we havent had sex without me being on the pill before... Any one able to help??

Gemma xxx

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I agree that you should get a pregnancy test. This is really something you should discuss with the doctor who prescribed that type of contraception to you. My girlfriend was on depo for quite a while and we had read going into it that if she ever stopped after taking it for a long time it would be several months before she got her period again. Not sure if it's similar to Loestrin.

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Hi Gemma,


Yes, do get a pregnancy test to put your mind at ease, but if you are using a reliable form of contraception it is HIGHLY unlikely that you're pregnant. After you come off the pill it can take a fair while for your cycle to go back to normal: a friend of mine didn't have her period for four months after she stopped taking the pill.


Also, worrying that you might be pregnant (or stress about anything else) can cause your period to be late.


Don't worry hon, you'll be fine!

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After you stop taking the pill, it can take 2-3+ months to go back to normal. Also, realize your cycle will go back generally to how it was BEFORE you started the pill, so it needs some time to figure itself out!


Your body has to restart ovulation, and it can take some time to get it right again!


I suggest you take a pregnancy test to ease your worries, but then just try and relax and give it time.

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