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Reflecting on what might've been... or what never was.

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Now we all know that when we have a crush on someone, we can twist a situation in your favor to keep hope alive, even though hope is most likely dead, buried and had the funeral service. It's an ilusion that makes us wonder, "Did he/she really like me?"


I really liked this girl I worked with, but I found out that she had a boyfriend. There was a small period of time when she was losing the spark in her relationship, but she never told me this. I found that little tidbit out through another co-worker. She treated me a little differently than the others, which I was oblivious to, but she pointed out that she was closer to me than the other co-workers when our supervisor wondered why we were always hanging out in the office. Not closer as in working together, but as in the amount of conversations we had. Mind you, there was no flirting and absolutely no hints of me liking her and visa versa, as I knew she was dedicated to her boyfriend. Plus she had her type of guy, which was like George Clooney. I am more like Curious George. And we never hung out after work. Never.


She did a couple of things that made me wonder. She went on week's vacation to see her sister in San Diego. I jokingly told her to bring me home of that nice San Diego sand I keep hearing about, just to make conversation. Lo and behold, on my desk the next week was a bag of sand, with a pretty little sea shell.


When she left the job, I was one of two people she kept in contact with. Actually, I was one of two people who she took phone numbers from. She never called me, I would always do the calling. But here's the thing that I always wondered about.


One day I was at the job and a coworker had made a comment about something nice I did for another company that was next door to us. I said it was no big deal I was just trying to help and she said, "That's one of the things like about you". She just casually said it while she was working on her project.


So I am wondering, was this just a friendly comment, or something more?

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You sound like you have many good qualities and she probably thinks you're a great guy. There may have been some good conversation and a connection of some sort but the bottom line of course is she is in a relationship. Maybe she isn't happy everyday in her relationship but she is still in it. Unless she reaches out and contacts you, I would let it go. I certainly respect her more as a person because she is faithful in her relationship. Her BF found a great catch, I'm sure you will too some day.


Good Luck,



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You sound like you have many good qualities and she probably thinks you're a great guy. There may have been some good conversation and a connection of some sort but the bottom line of course is she is in a relationship. Maybe she isn't happy everyday in her relationship but she is still in it. Unless she reaches out and contacts you, I would let it go. I certainly respect her more as a person because she is faithful in her relationship. Her BF found a great catch, I'm sure you will too some day.


Good Luck,



Thank you Coach. I needed that confirmation.


Hey Kyo, I know this is off topic but WHO is that in your avatar!? Just wondering b/c she has a cute face and great smile LOL. Thanks.

I have no idea, I found it somewhere online and her name was not mentioned. Sorry.

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