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Fast Advice Please

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ok so im moving in 2 days to a city 4 miles away from where i reside right now,

but there are 2 girls in my mind right now that go to my current school.

1 really likes me, and i like her, and the other thinks im a funny cool guy and doesnt like me (i think) but i like her, but you see the 2nd girl is much hotter, and the 1st girl is much smarter, i was thinking of asking out the 2nd girl then the 1st girl if i get rejected. good plan?

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Ah the backup plan. No one likes being the backup plan. Hope karma doesn't come back to get you on this one. I mean honestly you have to do what you feel is right but sucks for the other girl knowing she isn't the 1st choice.


*of course in most relationships I bet the significant other wasn't the 1st choice

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Well, if you are moving it's kind of difficult to keep dating with any of those girls, I assume. On the whole, I think having back up plans is not very bad, it's just dating now, and you're 14. It's healthy to see where dating/friendships go and you are not marrying either of them tomorrow... so I'd say go for it and ask her out, if you don't mind the prospect of maybe having to date her over a longer distance. 4 miles is not really a problem, I assume? Just that you'd be in a different school?



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forget the back up plan, you really don't like her if she's only a "backup".


Definitely go for the girl #1. You like her, she likes you, she's smart. It's perfect.


Why do you even consider asking someone who probably just rejects you? Just because she's hot? That's really bad attitude - "I take the best looking chick who takes me, she can be a horrible person why not, but she just has to be hot". :S

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With respect: this is Dating what you are talking about. This is not a car to ask for a fast advice like: I ran out of fuel tell me quick what I should do!


If you work on fast advices you'll get only fast answers but not girls.


And to answer your question: Date them both! It's easy.

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