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Well, I thank eNA once again for your support. It has been 17 days now since my last contact. Although I still have the urge to contact, it isn't as bad. For the first 2 weeks, each day felt the same as the first. I found that when you stop counting days, it is much easier to resume NC. Jogging, working out and spending time with my friends also helped me get through the long days. I don't suggest drinking alcohol. I would drink a bottle of wine ever now and again for the first 2 weeks but I found that to be more depressing and I would wake up missing her even more. Anyways, I now have discovered the beauty of running and it does miraculous wonders for the body and soul. Well, that's it for now. 17 days and going strong. I know I have more of those "what did I do wrong" days, depressed, thinking about all that has happened but till then... I thank you sincerely eNA. And for those who feel like contacting the ex, throw some shoes on and jog off the pain.

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Hey need1ozHope,


Good to hear that you are doing better although you still some ways to go. I'm recontinue my "NC" after 15 days NC until she broke the NC rule by coming to see me at my work. She is so selfish, anyway like you I think things will get better; although I'm still sad from this. Time will heal all pain, right? Hang in there and be strong for yourself.

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I am a bit over the three week mark on the breakup with me and BF. I have had no contact with him. It has been difficult to say the least. i started doing things that again that I enjoy that I had not done in along time when I was with him. I have started my daily walking program again and its a wonderful release from my stresses and anxieties that I have been through. I hope you continue to do well along with the rest of us dealing with this situation.

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My motto during the last 5 months was Keep Moving. No matter where I was, if I started feeling feeling panicky, I'd just walk away from where I was and keep going. Once I was downtown at a cafe and just got up and walked around until late at night. I'd walk on the beach until midnight, I'd walk in the park, and even stooped to walking in a shopping mall.

I went out backpacking and took off accross the desert on a compass bearing and would collapse when I was tired, sleep under the sky and walk back to my car.

Sitting indoors was poisonous for me.


I never did hit the bottle, because I was afraid of liking it too much.

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The walking thing is magical, Dako. I'm doing it, too. Usually just four miles, but one day I just kept walking. And one night, in the first week, I went running at night, in the cold, sleeveless, like a madwoman --- the wind bit, my arms turned red, my ears hurt, and I was crying, and I kept running. It was fabulous. But when I got home I had a chill and had to get into a hot bath to warm up. Still, I'm glad I did it. (I kind of wanted to develop a severe case of pneumonia, perhaps be near death in the hospital, my ex worried at my side, and be a martyr of love, but it turns out I'm pretty healthy when it comes down to a physical challenge.

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Walking is amazing.

I did some strenous 14 mile trips in the desert with a bit of rock climbing, yelling and cussing thrown in and it was a wonderful way to cope with heartbreak. I must've lost a few pounds, a little blood and a ton of pain.

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