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Could I be pregnant?


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The last time I had sex with a man was November, so I could be just overreacting. I highly doubt that this could be true, but let me tell you what is going on with my body and hopefully some of you could give me some input.


I had my period in Nov and Dec on time, but I haven't got it yet this Jan. In the first week of Jan I had some light brownish red discharge, and i've been having pms symptoms. My period was due on Jan. 17th, and it's still not here. I have been tracking my period since the beginning of last year, and it's always been a couple days late, but never 7 whole days.. going on 8 days late.


My sexual partner and I in Nov. had protected sex. That was the last time we have had sex, and I haven't had any other partners since him. I've heard of people being pregnant and having a period and sometimes no symptoms. If I was pregnant i'd be going on 3 months.. is this all in my head?


I set an appointment for the gyn on Sat, so if by then it still hasnt' come i'm sure they will be able to run some tests and do a pap to find out if everything is ok. I also have a cold, but this cold barely started yesterday, and this is my third round with it since Dec. It sucks!!!


So what do youall think? Thanks!

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If you have always had protected sex with your partner unless the condom broke, there is a very slim chance you could be pregnant. I would go and buy a home pregnacy test to make sure.


I know when I use to be a semi professional athelete, I use to maybe a couple times a year not get my period or have a slight period like you described, this was due to my lack of body fat (so my doctor explained).


I would definitely go to the Gyno, however, I would take a home pregnacy test to put your mind a rest.

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If you can't bear to wait a few more days...why don't you just get a pregnancy test today and try it?


Honestly, it does not really SOUND like it, but it is possible of course...anything is "possible". You may be late as your body is fighing off infections, or you may be stressed, lost weight, be low in iron or other nutrients, or any other number of "fun" things. Sometimes also women will not ovulate in a cycle, and so their uterus will not have as much (if anything) to shed so the period may be later or absent altogether as the signals to shed are not there.. completely normal.


While some women do get bleeding/spotting during pregnancy that can be "like" a period, it is not the same as one, and if you had it in November and December like usual, that would indicate you are probably fine.


Anyway, take a test to ease your mind, but from what you described, I don't think you are given the timeframes you provided and the "symptoms".


However, I am not a pregnancy test, so you will have to take one to make sure!


Good luck!

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