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My boyfriend broke up with me tonight. Its all my fault, i was too protective. It sucks so bad, I can do anything but cry. Somebody please, I want him back so bad. I should have treated him better. He said he needed to think about things, and I have a bad headache and been crying for 2 hours straight. Please, what do I do??

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Alright, first give yourself time to get over this, its obviously really upsetting right now, and its going to be, but a month from now you will feel much better. Tomorrow, get up, go to the salon, get your hair done, go get some exercise, do things to make you feel better about yourself.


Secondly, I need to emphasize no contact here. At least wise let HIM call YOU. I don't know if you will get back together with him or not, but you need to show him that you are strong and can live without him. He is needing space right now too, so its important that you give it to him. Who knows what can happen after some time apart. I know you can get through this, and we are all here for you and I'm sure you have some friends that are there for you too. The first week or so will be hard but after a while once you start getting out and meeting new people it will be easier. Hugz

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do NOT beat yourself up! i read your previous post (about his porn habits and lying) and this is the BEST thing that could have happened to you. believe me, i know. people who are addicted to porn are as sick as any other addicts--not because it's porn but because their behavior is secret, makes them feel ashamed, tell lies, cover things up, etc., etc. bottom line is they choose their escapism fix over their reality (i.e. people in their lives who love them and want to be with them). i had suspicions that my last boyfriend was a closet porn addict and tried to get him to talk about his "viewing" habits. he would never come clean, even tho i was perfectly ok with it at that point and even willing to look at it together. we only did it once and rather than being into it, he kind of cut the whole thing short, almost like it was ruining his fantasy time to have me there with him. long story short: i found out that his deception was present in other areas, too, and i broke up with him a few months ago. i do miss his company, but not the lies and weirdness and self-doubt that go along with being with someone who is ashamed, manipulative and deceitful.


you are MUCH better off without him. what you're feeling now is just the shock and fear of being "rejected." that will pass quickly. hang in there.

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