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I really need help...

My bf and I have been together over a year and a half...but since we've been out of school and stuff, it just hasn't been the same. At first I found myself wishing I could talk to an ex-guy friend of mine that broke us up last summer, and then thought it was just a longing for something I couldn't have.

But now there are no sexual feelings towards him, I'm never happy around him, and he's just been driving me crazy recently. There's more to this story, but I'll have to post later. If any sugg., please reply.

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I think you definitely need to break it off with this guy. Sometimes our feelings change toward someone, and it doesn't mean you never loved him but maybe the love changed. If you are not happy in this relationship, it isn't a healthy relationship. It's not fair to yourself or him to stay together just for the sake of being together. Maybe you can work it out in the future. Good luck!


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I'm not a quiter. Never have been probably never will be. Listen, really evaluate the relationship and the pros and cons. Make sure you will definitely not regret what you did later in life. If it's something that can be fixed, then try it. A lot of people now a days like to go the easy way out. Just my two cents.


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