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convosations interesting with friends

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HI, thanks for you lots previous responses but i have another different query I haven't got an extreme problem with talking to girls because the ones that i do talk to are either not in my class or are not as close as my own friends meening you can atchlly think about what your going to talk to them about . I read alot of advice on picking up on conversations with girls but i find it more differcult starting and making a convo interesting with my own friends manily boys ,guys that i see every day now as a group i act quite confident add in my own jokes and there aren't akward siliences because someone has started the topic everyone adds there own things to say but its when im with them individualy it becomes a strive for me to pick up a convo carry it on making the person interested in what im talking about now no disrespect for some of the advice with being a good listener but what happens when that person has finished what they want to say and they look to you to either carry it on or tell them about something or start up a new topic . Im not saying im a complete bore to talk to but i never have that of an interesting story or experience to talk about . For example for the first time my friend found a bus route to catch with me the ride usally takes 45mins we started of sort of well talking about what were gunna do when we got home after that xbox games then the convo became rapidly dead cutting it short there was alot of akward silence how can i just say Hi and just let the convo flow from you could say normal friends just click and a convo flows how is it that doesn't work for me .that help needed thank you................

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So this is just with your friends? Well first off let me say that stop worrying about your friends, what you should be worrying about (concerning conversatiosn) is girls. Anyways this is normal usualy if only two people are talking or are in an awkward place such as a bus its hard to come up with things to say. Just relax and dont try hard at all, things will come to you and if not theres nothing wrong with sitting there saying nothing is there?

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As you said relax ill try that wouldn't say i am a smooth talker when it comes to girls but they usally have something to say and you can just remark on something there waring and well they usally tell you where its from and have alot of carrying on things that is depending on the personality of the girl i can converse with them easier its the ones that are my close friends who know me better what about when your with the ones that conversing is not there strong point

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Don't stress on the inability to find a topic...it makes it even harder to do...


Try to just throw things out without thinking TOO much about em and don't worry if you make a mistake, but DO know in your head what definitely not to say...

I found that worked the best for me, although I did mess up sometimes I learned from it and now it’s orgasmic


And another thing that I found out: if you're feeling too scared about not having a topic it's best to not say anything...


AND BE CONFIDENT in anything you say or do...that’s the biggest advice I could give you!


Social and communication skills are just like learning to walk and talk. You can’t walk without legs; you can’t communicate well without confidence.

And the reason some people are better talkers is because of that and they have and had a lot of experience and exposure...


You got all the tools, you just gotta find the right way to use em…It works with ladies 2


Hope this helps...




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