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Online gay communites

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So, I was thinking... I've met alot of wonderful gay people here. I've met no wonderful gay people through the personals sites. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places.


My question- do any of you guys know of other good places online to chat or message other gay people? It wouldn't even necessarily have to be a specifically gay website (enotalone certainly isn't!)


Just curious.

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So, I was thinking... I've met alot of wonderful gay people here. I've met no wonderful gay people through the personals sites. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places.




Yeah, I agree. It seems like a lot of decent people flock here but nowhere else, haha. I too am having difficulty finding places other than this forum to communicate and talk with other gay people around my age. I haven't really been able to find places where people can get together to just talk and chat without this obligation to cyber. If you're looking for places to hook up over the Internet, then those places are a dime a dozen. But if you're looking just to talk with people and meet people and share thoughts and ideas, etc. without this looming pressure of cyber sex, then I really don't have any more information than you do.


One thing I can think of is to see if your online instant messaging service hosts chat rooms. I know that AOL used to do so a while back but I'm not sure if they do that now. Another option is link removed -- I go there every once in a while to check out some articles and advice columns. Not all of it seems 100 percent genuine, but it's an interesting resource nonetheless. Also, they do have a chat area, but I've never gone into it. Not sure if you have to just create a profile (which is free) or register (which isn't). Anyway, that might be worth looking into.


If you ever feel the need to chat or something, don't hesitate to drop me a message!


And keep us posted if you come accross any interesting, worthwhile places.

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I don't think AOL does the chat rooms through messenger anymore, although Yahoo does. I've been in there and the link removed chat rooms and it's pretty disgusting. I'll go to link removed again- it's always been for me the epitome of the gay stereotype that I hate so much- shallow, obsessed with sex; but if you see some value I'll poke around some more.


Anyone else?

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Hey, I live in Canada and we have a great Canadian Site called Gay Canada, I have meet awsome people online and met them in person and true friendship has evolved. Also, I know the state of Michigan is Diverse you have major urban centers like Detroit, and smaller spots, like Sault, Elk Rapids and other places. I have been to Elk Rapids on many occasions and I must say its a great place!

Also, Perhaps you might want to look offline, groups. I belong to one and its great. I have made lots of gay friends and this past week I have been busy goig to the movies, swimming all sorts of fun stuff, stuff I never did before.

Yeah, so if your haivng trouble looking online try places outside. In the larger parts of Ontario, Canada like Toronto there are baths and other places like that. Seeing that your country is under the control of that Right winnged freak GW I can imagine it must be hard to want to express yourself.


Hope this helps



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Not exactly a website, just thought I'd mention that before anyone gets too involved looking for a link in this post. Its more of a general stating the obvious statement on the original.


It seems to be difficult to find decent websites for GLBT individuals. The others which I am common to that I enjoy are strictly for Lesbians so that wouldn't do a whole heap of good for the men out there. One reason I go to eNotAlone it is one of the few that aren't split according to gender and sexuality. Most of the time you find forums strictly for Gay Men, Lesbians, Bisexual, rarely certain ones will have both Gay Men/Bi or Lesbian/Bi but that isn't even that common.


I was actually thinking about this the other day upon viewing this forum that others. There really needs to be established a forum which includes all of the GLBT community and is open BUT has enough Moderators and rules are clear cut to the point that it isn't a sexual based site. So many fall to the point of sex this and sex that, that I honestly have no interest in. Of course that would be an interesting job to undertake, I've been an Admin and Moderator here and there before, and you really need a team for projects like that.


Anyhow, like I say, I believe it really depends on the atmosphere. Here on this GLBT it is well moderated, rules are clear to keep it clean and helpful. We have people wander in here and there which don't belong on the boards for anything but to bother others, but is extremely rare. A lot of forums and personals sites just let things go, either let it slip by, don't pay attention, or don't have any rules so people take advantage of it.


Sad part of forums and interactive websites in general I've learned after having experience in both establishment and assisting, you need to outline all the basics (rules) in knowing before you even start, someone will find a loophole and become a true pain in the rear.

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Sigh, this is so frustrating for me. Everywhere I go, I cannot find gay people of my type or I just can't find someone that share the same interests as me on the internet!I found a couple of gay personal columns sites that would be good if it weren't so sex driven!!It's so degrading & disgusting, you have men taking pictures of themselves nude on their profiles, looking for a one night stand.Even MARRIED MEN are on these sites that are DL & not ashamed to say it are on there & that's just plain ridiculous! One guy said to keep it on the DL, because he has a wife & kids at home! That is upsetting to me... The poor families!


Everyone on these sites are too focused on sex, rather than establishing a friendship or a relationship. I just gave up on the internet altogether because all I found was a bunch of guys, trying to get into my pants & I'm not the type to go messing around! It's bad,especially this day & age where diseases are flying around like crazy!Is anyone interested in just making friends? This is why I'm alone now... Maybe it's for a good reason..

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So yeah,


I did some research (read: Googling and Yahooing) and haven't found anything of substance or worth my time. Everything does seem geared towards superficial sex and body shots in profiles, etc. etc. Not towards any kind of friendship or interpersonal communication.


But as far as non-Internet things, I came up with a lot of options and activities for the Metro area I live near. Of course, it's not as easy for people who don't live in a big city or in/near a college campus. Searching for options and opportunities in a decent-sized city you live near might not be the best method, but it certainly does enough to lift one's spirits, just to know those kind of things are out there and somewhat in reach. It gives hope (as does this forum) that there are GLBT folk out there concerned with more than just the kind of trash you find in these back-alley chatrooms and message boards that make people like us long for a more civilized, worthwhile outlet.

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If I had the patience I would build my own gay website for people who are looking for friendships and romance...There are about a gazillion of those "men for sex" websites and it ticks me off. There is no balance. So, in order to find someone you have to take a picture of your penis and not your smile?

Well, there is a market for it so...what can you do?

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If I had the patience I would build my own gay website for people who are looking for friendships and romance...

You've done website design work too? The phrasing on that question is pretty bad, but just curious, hope it makes sense. Wanted to see if I wasn't the only one here that works with webpages. Be interesting if you did, or any of you for that. The comment brought up the question.


So, in order to find someone you have to take a picture of your penis and not your smile?

That is an interesting observation but an all too true one. Actually I was scanning some personals sites. It is interesting to say the least What people will put on a public personals website is beyond me.


For me, showing skin is about equivalent to unbuttoning the shirt cuff and rolling the sleeve up.


You'd think a smile would sell better but then again I have to wonder just how many of these people whom engage in their nude self photography for personals actually have forever in mind.


Well, there is a market for it so...what can you do?

True. Yet, think of just us here on this board alone, the overwhelming majority is looking for life long, not night long commitment. So I'd like to think that somewhere out there, more sites exist which do not have a sexual base and either welcome the gay community or is a gay community based site.



- You can log in as a guest to take a look at the boards. I don't know about the quality level here, seems as though it may be a bit iffy. It seems clean from afar though and they have a statement about removing obscene or hate material.

- They allow for a free search, I conducted one of the free searches myself on both the Gay and Lesbian halves and it is extremely clean for a personals website. You can have a basic free membership but there are certain contact features which you must be a premium member to use. They have a policy about scanning photos and content before posting, thus there is supposedly (and I seen none) no nudity or obscene material in profiles.

- As the name states, for Gay Christians. I didn't read everything but it seems like a civil site. Does have a deal of interaction options from what I scanned over.

- If you feel like having an adventure, Yahoo's directory has a huge amount of GLBT links, most of which are worth a look. - If I'm correct is Yahoo's Gay directory.

- Google's directory description was, "For men devoted to long term committed, monogamous, loving gay relationships. Offers news and articles for younger and older men." Haven't looked at it myself, just sounded like one of interest.

- Google's Gay Directory for you adventure seeking link surfers.

- Its a good Gay news site if nothing else, I don't know if it would do anything for those seeking a partner.

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To be honest, i don't know. The only ones i know are the sleazy ones and i certainly haven't met anyone of value there. Not that i have tried mind you!


I have found it is hard to meet good gay people. I don't know if it's the norm, but most of them are engaged in the struggle with alcohol, drugs and the social scene, and i cannot stand that. I would love to hook up with some decent people who i have more in common with, such as watching films, discussion of political and social issues, education, and some sport/exercise, as well as staying at home and watching DVDs.


Perhaps there is an opportunity there for a marketer to create a global website, designed to give a country by country, and city by city break-down of folks wishing to meet others for these purposes. I think it all depends on the country you live in as well. I think there are plenty of sites in the States, but it is a matter of meeting people who are not using the site to hook-up for sex.


In my experience though, the sites are just as much of a meet market as going out.


Believe it not, finding a good gay friend is like op-shopping. You have to go through all the junk until you find a little gem! What i am really trying to say is that you have to search long and hard for that sort of friendship. It is hard to find, but not impossible.

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