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Two Weeks no call, am I toast?


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It wouldn't have hurt my feelings if he told me that he wasn't interested. That's exactly what I was expecting to hear, and I was expecting him to blow me off at the races...but he didn't.


I told him straight out that it didn't bother me if he wasn't, I just wanted to know what was going on. I've had guys tell me to my face, that they weren't interested or it just wasn't right. So I guess I expected the same response from him, considering he's 33, if he truly wasn't.


I do not plan on calling. I figured he would have called by last night anyways, so I'm pretty much convinced that he's not calling. Which is fine. I just hate being lied to and more importantly, I hate being disapointed. He definetely has let down and even if he did call, I don't think I'd trust his intentions.

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I think you need to leave this guy alone. Any guy who is worth his salt and is truly interested in a girl, would not want to keep her in doubt as to his feelings for her. Doubt could lead her to greener pastures!


Granted, he was sick, had a friend die, which is all very difficult to deal with surely...but honestly...he had to have had at least 2 minutes to spare for a quick calling saying "hey, things are crazy now, but i just wanted to check in and see if we could meet up for coffee/drinks." It doesn't take a lot to give someone a call.


His behavior, while endemic among many men, is not by any means normal nor showing of respect. Which you do deserve, right? Of course. In short: if he is not calling you, he is not interested. His loss, quite clearly.


I look at dating this way: if one partner is exerting more mental and emotional energy onto the relationship than the other, there is a disequalibrium, which should be taken as a warning sign. You have clearly been angsting about this guy for weeks. I seriously doubt he has thought about this situation as much as you. Meaning...you haven't been on his mind that much. That is a cornerstone of any relationship...thinking about the other person!


You're now free to move onto greener pastures!

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It's fine. I'm not crushed... I'm not devistated...haven't even shed a tear over it. Just disapointed. I know "dating" someone shouldn't be this hard. I shouln't have to "think" about it as much as I am. It should be natural and fun for cryin' out loud. so I, myself, am walking away from the situation. This has been MY decision, not his. I don't like how this relationship is, so I'm outta here.

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Although you are probably jumping to the right conclusion, you really don't know what is going on. I think when you see him just act completely normal and keep it short. After the even, then see if he pursues you. I would not contact him after the event, but see if he contacts you. I would not close the door until afterwards.

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I am sorry to hear this roxy, even though I suspected as much, it certainly does not make it any better to hear, and I certainly would not of wished it for you.


He's had plenty of chances and opportunities to say he is not interested, as well as plenty of chances and opportunities to let you know he was with his actions. He may be interested, but he certainly is not giving you the respect you deserve and seems very wishy washy. That is not something you need to get involved with, when just think - this is still early on and when people are impressing one another with their best behaviour! This certainly does not meet most definitions of best behaviour...

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yup. It's over. But I'm not worried. If he calls, and I'm around to answer it, I'll talk. But if I miss his call, I will not call back. There is no point in doing so. I'm not gonna sit around and let someone come and go as they please, as I sit wondering what's going on. No way.


I'm too much of a fun, hilarious person to be wasted. That's for sure.

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