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This girl i just met is hugging me-does she like me?

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There's this girl that I met for the first time while on a mission trip with my church over winter break, and she's really attractive. I just saw her for the first time in a week during a reunion with others that had gone on the trip. When she was greeting and saying goodbye, to both guys and girls, a hug of some sort was usually involved.


I've known for quite some time now that when two girls haven't seen each other for a while, they usually hug and this is the first time i've seen a girl do it outside a serious relationship.


When she hugged me, it was with both arms and a very firm grip while with just about every other guy she just used one arm and appeared very "loose". Is there any significance to the hugs (i.e. does she like me?)

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don't read tooo much into a hug, maybe just try to pursue it a little bit and see where things go. hugs are just friendly - i'm in the same boat as u: a guy i just met kinda started hugging me recently and i kinda like... ok... does he like me, but i'm cynical, and i'm like, No... its just a hug. So i'm gonna wait and see if it goes further than that before i start jumping to conclusions.

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a hug is a hug. they mean nothing in terms of whether or not someone likes you.

unless they never hug anyone else.

its probobly just a friendship thing.

i hug just about everyone, both greeting and goodbye.

even alot of my good guy friends.

its a friendly thing, nothing more.


sorry chuck

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