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eye contact question, guys please help


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There's a guy I work with and whenever we see each other he always kind of looks me directly in the eye and says hi as we walk past each other . . Is he interested and too shy to make a move? Is there any way I should interepret it differently? Would a guy make eye contact if he wasn't attracted to her? Guys, whats your opinion? Also I notice that when he does look at me his face kind of opens up and he raises his eyebrows. Is it possible he is just being polite? Thanks guys.

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All of these subtleties can be misleading - big time. I always look people in the eye when I speak to them, I consider it a sign of respect and confidence. If anything, I would probably avoid a lot of eye contact with a guy I was attracted to.


The workplace especially - I will make an extra effort to look people directly in the eye when I speak to them. There is nothing worse than working with a zombie who never looks at or speaks to you.


I don't know ... I guess I feel that being a bit more aggressive is the way to go if you're interested in someone. Subtle hints, clues, and tiny changes in body language usually don't mean much (ie. too much coffee/ not enough sleep/ funny conversation prior to seeing you/ etc.). Too many variables.

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All of these thing can indicate attraction, but that need not mean he wants to date.


Talk to him, be nice, friendly, and keep it pleasant, but fairly short. If he wants more soon, let him have it. If it continues, flirt. Let it escalate slowly, don't let it escalate quickly.

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I think it's pretty usual for a guy to make eye contact and say hi. I do it all the time!


There are several factors indicative of him being interested in you though,

1. Length of eye contact?

If he is interested, eye contact will last 3-4 seconds, as compared to a quick glance if he is just being polite.

2. Presense of smile?

Does he smile at you whenever he sees you?

3. Does he greet other ladies the same way? If you're the only one he greets, then it's pretty obvious, isn't it?


But I have to peg you back to reality. I share the views of some other users here. You cannot rely on such subtleties. If you're interested in him as well, you have no reason not to hold back flirting with him, or he'll never know of your interest.

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All of these subtleties can be misleading - big time. I always look people in the eye when I speak to them, I consider it a sign of respect and confidence. If anything, I would probably avoid a lot of eye contact with a guy I was attracted to.


eye contact usually means attraction. Some people make, you know, so obvious eye contact. But sometimes people do what OceanEyes said - you want to see what he's usually around people and look for out of pattern -behaviour. However, the better way would be to just talk to him right now. And asking him out if the co-worker thing doesn't rule that option out.

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he's not just being polite.

he is giving you an INDICATOR OF INTEREST.

making eye contact and smiling is the best way to open a girl for conversation.

next step, and the best, is simply say HI. what he did.

you need to give him now a STATEMENT OF INTEREST if you are attracted to him.

he is clealy attracted to you

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All of these subtleties can be misleading - big time. I always look people in the eye when I speak to them, I consider it a sign of respect and confidence. If anything, I would probably avoid a lot of eye contact with a guy I was attracted to.


The workplace especially - I will make an extra effort to look people directly in the eye when I speak to them. There is nothing worse than working with a zombie who never looks at or speaks to you.


I don't know ... I guess I feel that being a bit more aggressive is the way to go if you're interested in someone. Subtle hints, clues, and tiny changes in body language usually don't mean much (ie. too much coffee/ not enough sleep/ funny conversation prior to seeing you/ etc.). Too many variables.


I agree, I always look people in the eye. Don't like it when people don't. A woman at my work never looks people in the eye. She talks to you staring at your chest or something. First few times I got paranoid that I'd spilt my dinner down my shirt or something!


I also read that the eyebrow thing is a sign of interest but I then realised that I actually do it all the time to everyone. I thought, anyone else who's heard this is going to be thinking I like them! Maybe I'm just an eyebrowy person.


I guess the only way to really find out is to talk.

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I don't want to be cynical here, but I really do think that it's best to not gauge someone's romantic interest based on eye contact (unless it's VERY obvious, staring type of eye contact, which is a bit creepy-stalkerish anyway).


I just started a new job in the computer industry. 87% of my colleagues are men. So in saying that, I've either spoken to, made eye contact with, smiled at, or had some type of interaction with about 150-200 men.


All I'm saying here, is that it's dangerous to read too much into things as subtle as eye contact. If that was the case, I'd be 'expressing interest' to most of the company where I work. It's simply not a good way to tell if someone is interested in you as more than a friend.

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OceanEyes: I don't know if this applies to everyone, but in many cases I just know by eye contact. It's something in the eye, and if it's a girl in my class, there's this glancing thing going on..... always glancing at corner of their eye etc. And if a girl doing it is shy, there actually won't be this staring thing..


Then again, I get so much eye contact that absolutely means nothing. Most of eye contact that's happening probably is that kind of eye contact...


So well, trust your instincts. And if you have for a second this feeling that good "oh boy!" after you made the eye contact, you go talk to her right away. I mean, while it's not 100% accurate measurement of interest, you don't lose anything if you try. And for me at least instincts usually are accurate.

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