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My Relationship is breaking my bank

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Hello All,


I am new to this long D thing with my honey doing a year teaching in Japan. That's great and I'm glad he's living the dream and all and making the good bucks, but I am seriously depleting my life savings just trying to stay in touch. What do people do? Yeah, I know email is free, but that's not letting me hear his voice. My phone bill was half my rent last month. Yeah, the holidays and all that pushed it up a bit, but I just about had a heart attack. Who's got something that works for cheap? Help!




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Why don't you both download yahoo messenger for free, invest like 20-40 bucks each for computer headphone with mic attached and talk on there? With the new "call" feature, it's almost as clear as a phone. It used to be where people had to click a button and you could only talk one at a time and it was pretty bad. But now both people can pretty much talk at the same time.


This should solve your problem.

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I agree with Tired Man.


I was in a distance thing in the past (distance part was a year long, I was here in Canada, and he was in Australia for an exchange) and we used MSN messenger, emails, and we got long distance plans and talked once a week, but capped it at a certain time limit. And, we used to also write old fashioned snail mails too (because that STILL feels good even in these days of emails). It worked out well, even with the issues of time differences and all as we would kinda "book" times for each other.


It worked well!


There are also many services you can get now that allow you to use the internet AS a phone service you can look into (ie Skype, VOIP).

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You can download this program called "Skype".


What it does is acts as a free telephone line, running through your computer.


Clear voice, and everything.


Yep, SuperDuper has it all right.


Skype is your answer. I've spoken to people in Egypt through Skype and it's as clear as crystal. It's MUCH better qualtiy than any cell phone. Don't wait, go get it at link removed. You can't beat the price - FREE.

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Skype. Got it. Sounds good. It will be worth a small bit of cash to avoid the big ridiculous charges again. A friend just recommended Onesuite which is supposed to be like a calling card but you just dial numbers in your phone. Sounds like I was letting my emotions rule rather than using common sense.


Thanks again!


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