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Help me restore my faith - are there really many decent guys out there?

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However, I think that as time has gone on, more and more men (and maybe women) want these non-committal relationships.
I've often wondered if all these non-commital people are as non-committal as they'd have us believe. I think deep down most of us want just one person and to be adored but I also think in this current culture many people say they don't want committment because they don't want to get rejected by the other person who says they don't want a commitment. So many people don't know where they stand anymore and are often too afraid to find out. I don't want a commitment to just any guy but I'd love a commitment to a wonderful guy who adores me just as much as I adore him. But unfortunately, being the chicken that I am, he'd have to make his feelings clear first. I'm sure I've lost out on a few guys before because I come accross as indifferent and non-commital, when in fact I'm terrified of getting rejected and hurt by that rejection.


Does that make any sense?

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I've often wondered if all these non-commital people are as non-committal as they'd have us believe. I think deep down most of us want just one person and to be adored but I also think in this current culture many people say they don't want committment because they don't want to get rejected by the other person who says they don't want a commitment. So many people don't know where they stand anymore and are often too afraid to find out. I don't want a commitment to just any guy but I'd love a commitment to a wonderful guy who adores me just as much as I adore him. Does that make any sense?


Yes it does.


Do you think people say they are non-commital to 'fit in'?


I know lots of guys who sleep around and i just don't understand how they could crave so much sex ... but that's just me. Maybe i am a prude .

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Our culture has become non-committal about EVERYTHING! Try getting someone to stick with one tv channel while there are commercials........



I know, i just wish things would go back to normal again


Have I walked into a bitter-women forum?

Oh, please - it's not that no one wants committment anymore. It's just trying to find someone who is worth committment.

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Yes it does.


Do you think people say they are non-commital to 'fit in'?


I know lots of guys who sleep around and i just don't understand how they could crave so much sex ... but that's just me. Maybe i am a prude .

I'm sure many people say that they're non-commital to fit in. Definitely.


I think some guys, like girls, sleep around just for the physical affection and maybe even with the hope of falling for someone. I've known a lot of people who do that. I crave sex an awful lot but it's not in my nature to sleep around. I also don't believe that sleeping with a guy is going to make him like me. He'll like me regardless of whether or not I sleep with him. I've never done that. But it still doesn't stop me craving sex

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Now why do you see this as bitter women here? It's more just a change in how society acts in GENERAL---men and women. I believe that attitude is pervasive in many areas today.


I'm sorry - but saying that there is no such thing as a loving, committing and compatible man in the world is bitter!


I don't think people are being less committing - and if they were; I welcome it!

Maybe then, there won't be such high divorce rates.

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Ugh - it's painfully true.


There are two obvious sub-topics here:

Rejection, and

Wanting different things.


The rejection is simple. You can either choose to go out on a limb and hope that they think the same - or never know...

That can be easily remedied.


But I don't know how many times I have come accross posts, and had experience of a woman not wanting a relationship, but knowing they had feelings for me.


That doesn't make sense in my books.

It may be to do with experience, or trying to find this 'perfect guy' (who doesn't exist, BTW)

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You're right darkblue, generalities don't help. Perhaps I'm too cynical (isn't that a much nicer word than bitter?) but I only meet men who want someone younger (!), with a trust fund and a body by victoria. rather tired of it actually.


You are not old!!

And not all men are superficial, shallow and egotistical apes...


Coincidentally, I read a stat the other day about how 80% of divorced men re-marry someone younger...

Go figure..

(If that wasn't subtle enough - they want power and domination of the relationship)

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And another thing:

Obviously not the majority of women share your value of committment - otherwise men wouldn't be able to just 'sleep around'.

They would have to get into a relationship in order to 'get what they want' And the more I read this thread, the more I believe there'd be many guys out there thinking "are there any decent women around". The more we get ourselves into situations that don't suit us and the more we continue to do this, the more skewed our perceptions of the opposite sex become. I know that in my case, I mainly have myself to blame for how I feel at the moment. Maybe I'm angry at myself more than anything.


If I'd been bitten by a few Labradors in my life, would I think that most Labradors bite? I probably would when in reality, they don't.

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I think everybody is just nervous and insecure in general and they are nervous about 'committing' to the right person. Perhaps also, people are not trusting their instincts enough. Don't your instincts tell you whether he or she is the right one, or close to being the right one?

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Absolutely. And the more I read this thread, the more I believe there'd be many guys out there thinking "are there any decent women around". The more we get ourselves into situations that don't suit us and the more we continue to do this, the more skewed our perceptions of the opposite sex become. I know that in my case, I mainly have myself to blame for how I feel at the moment. Maybe I'm angry at myself more than anything.


If I'd been bitten by a few Labradors in my life, would I think that most Labradors bite? I probably would when in reality, they don't.

Exactly, you just have to find that guy that isn't just interested in 'biting' (unless that gets you going Kidding!!!)

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