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Cant figure out what is going on with my daughter.

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I cant figure out what is going on with my daughter who is four. She got sick and vomited New Years Eve. Only once and it was thirty mins or so after eating some pizza. My aunt that was keeping her four me even said that the pizza tasted odd that night, and her oldest daughter said the same thing. So, I just figured it was the pizza. I did give her a Phenagren suppository that night. After she had a bath she wanted to eat some chips, so I gave her some. She ate them, went to bed and slept all night. She woke up the next morning and was fine. She was eating, drinking, and acting like her usual self. Then tonight, about midnight, she vomited again. This was over 48 hours since the first time. The only odd complaint she has had was she kept telling me her mouth was hot. She was telling me that on New Years Eve Day. What does this sound like to you guys? She was absolutely fine for 48 hours. She was fine right after she got sick, both times. She did have a little diarrhea tonight though ............


About 30 mins after she vomited. She drank some coke and so far so good on that, and I didnt give her the phenagren tonight. Im trying to be brave and wait and see what happens.

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Sounds like an ear infection to me. I've seen an ear infection do the same to my daughter. Or just a mild bug. If she's not complaining tonight, wait until the morning and call the doc.

I'm confused though why you would give a four year old a phenagren suppository after one episode of throwing up?

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I gave her the phenagren because I was afraid it was a stoamch bug and I didnt want her getting sick again. I dont deal too well with the vomiting. I have a major phobia over this. She is going to the doc this AM. She hasnt had any cold symptoms, so I dont know if its an ear infection. Would a stomach bug do like this has done?

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We just don't want to steer you wrong, thats all. With anyone's health you'll notice we're all pretty cautious here. We'd much rather see someone head to the doctor and be told it's nothing - than for us to tell someone it's nothing and have it turn out badly later.

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I understand, really I do. I was just worried about her. We have been to the doctor and she said it was a "viral infection" We all know that can mean so many things. So basically, she does have gastritis, or a virus, whatever you wanna call it. She said it usually lasts 24 hours and then its over. I guess I got to be the lucky one and have it last longer. I just dont understand why there was 48 hours between the vomiting episodes. Now she is just having really lose diarrhea. Maybe the vomiting is over. I can only hope.

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I am glad she saw a doctor. Hopefully her body will fight it off.


For now, give her the "Brat diet" for the diarrhea. Bananas, rice, apples and tea.



It's important that the electrolytes and hydration she's losing be replaced.


When I was about 4- I was sick like this all of the time. The main reason was I started Kindergarten early and was my parents' first-born child and the first grandchild in my family too. So I did not play with other kids much before school- so when I went to school I caught EVERYTHING. My immune system was just not ready for it. I remember being very very sick all of the time. I practically lived on the BRAT diet during my first year of Kindergarten.


If she does not seem to improve over the next couple of days, call her doctor again.


I hope she gets better soon,



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Rather simply - it is an organism, which infects the human and injects its information into the human's 'host cell' (which is basically the cell it is attacking) and hijacks the cell. Some kill off the cell, and others simply reproduce using their host cell, and move on to other cells.


Antibiotics are no good, because they only work on bacteria. Antiviral medication is needed to attempt to stop the viral infection from reproducing.


It sounds much scarier than what is really taking place.


(Note: I realise that viruses are not technically living, and thereforeeee I don't really think they can be called 'organisms' as such, but still - it gets the point accross...)

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A viral infection basically means refers to the cause of an infection. Infections can be caused by either bacteria or by viruses. As darkblue mentioned, antibiotics are useless against a virus because those are only effective on bacterial infections. A virus is a totally different kind of organism. There is a debate in the scientific community whether they are considered "alive" but I'll avoid that for the moment.


When a doctor tells you that you have a viral infection they are simply referring to the source of the infection. A virus can infect many different parts of the body and the reactions can vary widely.


Here's some light reading from m regarding viruses.

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So, it is possible that this "viral infection" could act differently in me?


I am still so worried about her, she threw up again in her bed last night after being fine all day long yesterday, and she ate well yesterday and had no trouble. I dont know what to do .......

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So, it is possible that this "viral infection" could act differently in me?


Yes. Each person's immune system is different. You might not even develop symptoms if your body can fight it off right away, etc..

I am still so worried about her, she threw up again in her bed last night after being fine all day long yesterday, and she ate well yesterday and had no trouble. I dont know what to do .......


If she's still getting sick, then be sure to call her doctor back and see what she advises you to do next.


What did your daughter eat yesterday?




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A stomach virus can mess with you for several days. 24-48 hours is common but it is not unheard of for it to last longer.


And yes, a virus can behave differently in people depending on their immune system. Some people won't get sick at all. Others may have mild symptoms. And still others will get sick as a dog.


If you are still worried about your daughter, definitely give your doctor a ring back. They can always look at her again or give you certain things to look for. The main issue right now is dehydration. As long as she's taking enough fluids and not vomiting constantly she should be ok, but certainly seek a medical opinion to be sure.

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I just find it odd that she will eat and drink and be fine all day, and then get sick at night.


Sometimes the body tricks you into feeling better, and then it catches up with you later.


It's good that she wanted food and drink. At least some nutrition got in before she was sick again. Keep encouraging her to drink water (avoid sugary fruit juices), even if she is not in the mood to eat anything.


Hopefully her doctor will have more advice.




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