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I got really drunk amd I went home and my dad kept hitting me so I ran out the door and he followed med me and theases people saw So I rang the guardsa nd they came and they brought my dad and me back t my house and and now their going to call me up tomorow for underage drinking iM actually still drunk while writing this but I'm so * * * *ed up right now I want to kill myself I really dont know what o do my dad dtniyedied it to the guards and they were more intrested in whayt I have drunk rather than what he did

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ITS OK.. YOU WILL BE FINE. YOU Are not the first person or the last person to be caught underage drinking. You will be fine. You'll see.


Go take a shower. And go sleep it off. In the morning things will look different. Trust me. I've been there!!! there's more than a few of us on these boards who've been there. YOU WILL BE OK.

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Like everone has sad, calm down and try to rest. You'll be able to think clearer in the morning.


Has your dad hit you before? If this has happened bring it up when they try to get you for underage drinking. Accept what they give you, it will make things easier and its best to cooperate. However, if you have had problems at home, let someone know.


Sorry this has happened to you. I wish things were better for you right now.

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Get some sleep girl, turn on some relaxing music, try to breathe, tomorrow is when u can deal with it and nothing is being done tonight so just calm down and breathe ok? Everything will be better soon. Just think - a week from now, how much will this matter? Maybe a bit, but by then, you will be over the emotions. A year from now? You will look back and laugh on it.

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I think today was technically the worst day of my life. I was getting sick all morning and just lying their. Noone called to my house but the social services are coming some time next week. I dont ever want to drink again it leads to all my problems. Now I REALLY want to move out of home but need to find a job first.


Haha while I wrote that message(s) last night I felt really sick and actually vomited a few moments later. What a terrible terrible day. My friend was really helpful though and it was great just to tell her everything.


My dad just got really angry because I was drunk he never hit me before.

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Hey. The sickness will past. Alcohol tends to make everything worse, its a tough lesson to learn but its a good one to know. Think twice before drinking in the future.


Even if you were drunk your dad shouldn't have hit you. I think you have mentioned other problems though and I think moving out would be a good move as soon as you can.


Take care. Things will get better, just keep hanging on.

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I hope things will get better. It's not improving right now.

I was asleep, ASLEEP last night when my dad came home drunk ran up to my room and smashed all the stuff off one of the shelves in my room and started roaring at the top of his voice saying get that b**** out of my house. The he went down to my mom and strated shouting at her while I was just sitting up in my room in fear he was shouting "If you dont drag her out then I will"


I've never felt so scared in my life. So he came back up the stairs and bashed the door open (I couldnt find the keys) so I had to just get out while I was walking out my mom was just crying. I was outside for most of the night absolutley terrified when my mom rang me telling me to "come home and he was just drunk but hes asleep now" So I went back and after my mom hugging and crying with me for a while I went to sleep.


I then woke up the next morning thinking oh he must be very embarrassed about the whole thing. He doesnt ever remember it and wants ME! to apoligize.


Hes gone off to see a match right now and is coming back at 8 (it's half 5 now) so that means hes going to be after drinking again I'm actually soo scared but can do nothing about it I have no where to go.


He disconnected the internet yesterday but I was able to get it back. Hes probably going to that again. I'm soo scared now I eve have a knife in my room. I just want this to end Im living with a physco. A violent physco.

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Hey Aporia,


Did you tell you mum what happened? I think it's really scary that you are actually in a situation where you feel like you should carry a knife to defend yourself against your father... if you are underage, you are probably still in school, right?


If you can't tell your mom, I really think you should tell a teacher or mentor or coach at school. It's sort of rule number one for child abuse: tell someone that has the power to help you (an adult).


If you want, I can move your topic to the Abuse and Violence section of this forum, where you will find more people in (sadly) similar situations. Just tell me what you want, ok?


Take care,



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Yeah I don't mind I was actually drunk starting this topic anyway.

My mom knows she was their when it was all happening.

I'm in college but I'm underage. I shouldn't have to feel this at home.

The strange thing is that he has never acted like this before. The main reason why hes so angry is because I called the law on him and they were in our house. Now he's completely ashamed of the fact that they came into "his" house and he actually thinks I should say sorry and that I'm in wrong. I'm not wrong I was angry and scared (and drunk) when I rang them. It's his fault for dragging me and hitting me. He should say sorry, not me. I'm not a weak person I will never say anything I dont want to or say something to wrong myself. He doesnt have a right to kick me out when I'm underage, does he?


He makes me sick. It makes me sick that, that is my father. I've never really hated anyone until now. Noone has really hit me before and its just so terrible when I trusted him.


I'm just waiting to see what happens tonight when he comes home more than likley drunk. I'm more angry than scared now. If he does anything to me this time, he will not get away it.

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Dang, even if ur underage and drunk, he still doesn't have the right to hit u like that. Plus u aren't a kid or in school no more, ur in college, im in college too, I'm assuming u have reach legal age (for somethings), ur under 21 but definitely not under 18, thereforeeee, ur dad can't hit u anymore at that age. U did the right thing in reporting, I would have done the same thing too, ur not a child to be spank anymore. Besides, violence NEVER solves anything, instead it gets worst, he should really be in jail now. I even think if I were now and my dad did that to me, I would have hated him already and prollie not talk to him again and no ur not the one that have to apologize, he was to, geeeezz, he's the one that behave like a beast and savage.

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Hey Aporia,


How are things now at home? I am sorry about the confusion about being underage , I am Dutch and we can buy beer at 16, stronger liquors at 18. So the law is different here. So I assume you are around the age of Ailec or even more.


Do you think it's possible to plan on moving out? Do you plan on going to university or start working when you finish college? (sorry if I am all wrong here again, the educational system is different here as well )


Take care,



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I'm 17 and am in college! I won't be 18 till the end of April so I can't move out not legally anyway if I was 18 I'd never sleep another night in the same house as him.


The good thing is that when he came home he didn't say anything (even though this time I had my door locked in fear)

He didn't just hit me either he dragged me accross the house on the floor and I have bruises on my arms (which are going now). I showed them to my friend the other day and she just gasped.


I havn't spoken to him since it all happen and to be honest I don't think I'll ever get on with him again.


I'm not in fear anymore it's anger. I'm so angry. The fact that I reported it and because I was drunk I wasn't taken seriously.

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U might want to talk to a couselor about this, the fact that ur a minor, also doesn't make him have the right to hit u like that, when u turned 18 on april (cool, I'll be turning 19 in the beginning of that month), u can get out of the house. Ur doing good in not speaking to him, just cuz u drink doens't mean u can hit u, guess wut next, next time u gonna drink u would be more smarter. Don't apologize to him, for now don't even look him in the face, like ignore him.

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