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Is he my soul mate?

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I met this guy about a week ago, I know beyond anthing he is my best friend but im curious I have these strange feelings that there is more. We have so much in common, he is a virgo and I am a libra, im the older of the two of us. We are both gay. Also, everything and I mean everything is the same about us. However, he asked me could I go through life knowing we would only be best friends, I couldnt answer that. I just wander what a soul mate is like, is this him.

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When u have met your soulmate, u just know, it feels right, its a little feeling u have inside that just tells you. The fact of what he asked u, if u could just be best mates, does that mean he doesnt like u more than a friend? If so, true soulmates I believe feel exactly the same about eachother.


Talk to him!

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  • 3 weeks later...

A soulmate...that is someone not easy to find. But how do we know when we have met the soulmate of our lives?


I cannot give any concrete advice, but there are some traits which you can look out for. For example, someone who is able to connect with you at a deeper level. A person that goes beyond the issues of sex and love. Not to discount love and sex at all, but a soulmate is able to be your friend, a listener and someone who knows you inside out.


Communication is important in every relationship, with a soulmate, you will find it easier to relate and to talk to. Ever noticed that there are some people whom you cannot confide or even talk with? Soulmates transcends all of these.


I wish you well in your search!

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