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  1. I met this guy about a week ago, I know beyond anthing he is my best friend but im curious I have these strange feelings that there is more. We have so much in common, he is a virgo and I am a libra, im the older of the two of us. We are both gay. Also, everything and I mean everything is the same about us. However, he asked me could I go through life knowing we would only be best friends, I couldnt answer that. I just wander what a soul mate is like, is this him.
  2. When you feel like you have found THE ONE how do you know? I have the feeling inside I never had before everytime I see, talk or feel him near me and then empty when he is gone. How to you keep working on the friendship and keep the other feelings behind you until you complete the 1st step of becoming friends?
  3. This weekend a friend of mine introduced me to one of his friends and we hit is off great and shared that our past were so much a like and both have had the present sitting and not getting what we both knew we wanted out of the future. At first I was really attracted to him and the more we got to know one another the stronger that attraction grew. The only thing I don't know from his was did he have any of these same feelings about me? I don't want to do anything to interfere with developing a friendship so how do you tell them you love them or see if they have the same feelings for you without ruining the friendship. Chris
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