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Blown AWAY!

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What the hell do you do when you meet someone, and are ABSOLUTELY blown away by them?


I met a girl tonight, who i've seen around at work for a while... We've been emailing each other for the past few days, and caught up at work drinks tonight. She came straight in, walked past everyone and sat next to me.. We didn't move until we had to leave (she had friends to catch up with)


She leant me a book on brazil after speaking about travel, and we have similar taste in music so I'm going to burn her some CD's next time I see her....


She's GORGEOUS, beautiful, has incredible depth (she has traveled all around the world and is only 21), incredibly talented (she's a trained pilot), modest and giving (is going to south america in 2-3 months to fly for the red cross..)... I'm just speechless.. I spoke with her all night.. Completely awe struck. Beautiful dark skin, dark hair.. Just beautiful.


She had a tea break, and asked me to join her.. We went for a quick walk and it was good.


I'm going to ask her to go out next week. Is this the right thing to do??

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Wow, I'm so envying you right now

She sounds like such an amazing person.

Don't let her slip away, ask her!


definitely gonna ask her. She's completely amazing..


Now I've heard she likes me.. but it's yet to be confirmed.. It's either me or my mate.


She speaks to my mate quite a bit too.. So it's one of us.


Hehehe wish me luck.


Merry Christmas everyone!

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Still thinking about her... hahaha.


I wish I grabbed her phone number.


Does it sound like she's interested in me though?


I've only spoken to her for a couple of days, but in those 2-3 days, she's asked me to join her on her break, lent me a book of hers, asked me if I was going out, and when we met up, she sat next to me the whole time.


Does it sound like she's interested in me? Or just being nice?

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Quick tip, if you're still home - ask her lots of questions to get to know her, give her funny joking answers about yourself. You should walk out knowing 100x as much about her as she does about you. Just get her to talk and keep your mouth shut as much as possible - so you don't say anything stupid.


Also, keep the topics HAPPY not sad, boring, etc. No cars, computers, ex's, sex, drugs, religion, politics, blood and guts, her body, etc.


Also, only ONE compliment - such as "You look nice" - the entire time.

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Follow your heart. Compliment when you feel like it, as long as it is sincere and from the heart. Limiting yourself cuts down on what you can say. If you say she looks nice and thats your compliment, then does that mean you can't compliment her on being a good dancer later on? So don't follow arbitrary rules, just go with the flow.


Also talk about what you are comfortable with. Sure, sex and blood aren't good (who wants to talk about blood anyways?). But anything else is open for discussion. If she has a major interest in something like religion or politics, then talk about it, don't shy away from the topic. You'll be getting to know her and if you have things to say on the topic, it could impress her more. Some girls like an intelligent talk and find it fun. So if you meet that girl, go with it. I've met girls and gotten closer talking about things you wouldn't think are fun topics - religion, science fiction, philosophy. Just go where the conversation takes you and don't fear or avoid any topic.


And the point is to have fun together and get to know each other. It isn't about you getting all the scoop on her and her not knowing anything about you. It should be a mutual conversation.

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Well after all that... it went pretty good..


We chatted non-stop for about 5 hours, and I had to prompt to leave, because I was driving and was getting tired.


Dropped her off at home, we gave each other a kiss on the cheek and that was it.


She told me i'm the first guy she's said yes to in 2 years (she's been travelling and hasn't had the time), so I was pretty rapped with that.


Funnily enough, she thinks i'm way out of her league, and doesn't understand why I'm interested in her... Crazy crazy women!


Spoke to her all day today (via email), spent lunch together, and we're going out again next week, and she might change her plans to hang out together on New Years day..


So all in all, i'm pretty happy with how it went!


Thanks for the help guys, maybe I'm not so hopeless afterall!

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Fantastic, I am glad it went well. Do you want some feedback?


I had to prompt to leave, because I was driving and was getting tired.

A good move - it shows you are not desperate.


Dropped her off at home, we gave each other a kiss on the cheek and that was it.

A nice way to end the night for sure.


Funnily enough, she thinks i'm way out of her league, and doesn't understand why I'm interested in her...

Because you came off as non-desperate. Isn't that interesting. This means you are - to her - a very high status man and she knows she is going to have to be on her best behavior to be with you, to keep you interested.


Spoke to her all day today (via email)

I'd cut back on that... if you chat all day on email she has no reason to get excited to see you at night, nor is there anything new to talk about. If you use email to set up a date, then you can have hours to talk when you see each other. Plus, you won't get in trouble if you're at work!


spent lunch together

That was good. Did you get a kiss again?


and we're going out again next week, and she might change her plans to hang out together on New Years day..

Good, good. Slow down a little on the email and make plans with her so you spend time together in person. Anticipation of seeing you is a good thing, but there can be too much of a good thing, so don't make yourself available 24x7 at this point.


Thanks for the help guys, maybe I'm not so hopeless afterall!

Hopeless? Never! You're halfway to being a natural with women!

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Do you want some feedback


Hey Poco. Why do you ask if you are just going to give the feedback anyway? (just kidding)


A good move - it shows you are not desperate.


Actually, shows he was tired. Had nothing to do with being desperate.


Funnily enough, she thinks i'm way out of her league, and doesn't understand why I'm interested in her...


May not have anything to do with you anti, may all be her insecurities. Even as worldly and mature as she may seem, she is still human and has all the same doubts and confusions that you do. No one is immune.


Spoke to her all day today (via email)


Positive thing. Means she is thinking about you all day. The constant contact shows you can spend hours talking and not get tired of each other. If you are having fun talking to her, keep talking. Never try to limit contact when you are both enjoying the contact so much.


Overall anti, things are great. Just keep doing what you are doing.

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Positive thing. Means she is thinking about you all day. The constant contact shows you can spend hours talking and not get tired of each other. If you are having fun talking to her, keep talking. Never try to limit contact when you are both enjoying the contact so much.

Many women I know call that "smothering." Some call it stalking. There was even a thread started by a woman about that today - constant contact is not always a good thing.


Moderation is key.

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Many women I know call that "smothering." Some call it stalking. There was even a thread started by a woman about that today - constant contact is not always a good thing.


If the person is calling every hour on the hour, sure. And if he is the only one intiating. But from what I gather in this situation, she's making just as much contact with him and is enjoying it. Why cut back if they are both intiating, and both having fun?


Smoothering, not good. Ok. But if it isn't that level, then just go with the flow and enjoy.

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