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Jealousy Prt. 2. She wants to go with my boyfriend as friends? Need answers right SOO

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You all understand my past trouble.


But, now - I'm just completely aggravated.


It seems, Sue has asked my boyfriend to the dance coming up at their school. She asked him, if it was okay with me, to just go as friends. Well, he brought it up to me.


Discussing the situation with one of my other friends, she commented that if he wants to go, let him go - but ask what his opinion of 'friends' is. Well, I think I jumped to bad.


It sounded like he really wanted to go, to hang with some of his friends. But, he said he wouldn't go if it was going to upset me, because it'd make him feel guilty. Well, it was making me feel guilty that I was holding him back from going with his friends - and I told him that I could trust him and as long as it was 'just as friends', I was okay with it. But, I really wasn't. I hate the idea of it. So, I told him to go -- and he totally switched it around on me -- and was like "well, if you really loved me the way you say you do, you wouldn't want me to go to this dance with her" ... and I was totally frosted at this point. And then I said, well I really don't want you to go, but if you're going because all your friends will be there, And I said if he wanted to go for a good time, I could trust him -- and this is where I went wrong where I mentioned that as long as her greasy, grundgy fingers - then I stopped myself because I knew I was going into the wrong ... and he was like "So, what's with your hatred for Sue", and I said "I don't hate Sue, because I don't know Sue" and he said "Exactly, so what is with you throwing hits at her" ... and I said that I didn't mean to ... and he was like "well, what's greasy, grundgy fingers" ... and I lost it right there. And I asked him if he seriously believed that I changed my mind to him going to the dance - because he said about him loving him - he said yes ... and it's pissing me off again now that I'm thinking about it.


Last night I was JOKING with him, she brought the idea up last night, and I asked what he would say if she did ask him to go 'as friends', and he said he wouldn't go -- and I said "good answer, you desearve a cookie". and he tweaked and went on this rambling of I have no right to control him, and that he gets enough of that around the house - and he knows that I was joking, but to stop that bull * * * * ... and I was just lost for words.


Now, I'm pretending at the moment that the whole going to the dance with her conversation didn't happen - what should I do!?!?!

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Hey there.


Last night I was JOKING with him, she brought the idea up last night, and I asked what he would say if she did ask him to go 'as friends', and he said he wouldn't go -- and I said "good answer, you desearve a cookie". and he tweaked and went on this rambling of I have no right to control him, and that he gets enough of that around the house - and he knows that I was joking, but to stop that bull * * * * ... and I was just lost for words.
To me, this guy sounds like he has some other issues. He seems very touchy.

Are things cool in his life? Maybe you should talk to him about it.



So, I told him to go -- and he totally switched it around on me -- and was like "well, if you really loved me the way you say you do, you wouldn't want me to go to this dance with her"
I think maybe it was best to explain your fears in the first place... if in the first place you had just been honest with your feelings it would have been less complicated and I think he would be understanding and you two would work something out.


At the moment all you can do is give your bf some space.

Stand back a little bit and give the relationship some room to breathe.


I think he needs to work out what's going on though... you can't deal with his irritability, you shouldn't have to.

Find out what's causing it and lend him a sympathetic ear.

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