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Heya everyone!


I have broke off from college today after a long but yet enjoyable term. I have been figuring out for absolutely ages what it is exactly I wanted to do with my life since I left high school. I'm doing A-level health and social care at the moment, and I have fancied the idea of going in to biology teaching.


It's like signs have been pointing my way. for example, my old high school teacher Mr Watson pushed me in to working in the science lab when he found out I needed a job, then my sister randomly buys me a science book that was on sale incase I needed to re sit my exam and tonight my taxi driver who took my to cinema actually went to the university that I had in mind and DID a degree in science biology! I mean how weird is that? Then out of the blue this little yr 7 gurl at college walks up to me after I'd finished helping her and says "You'd make an awsome teacher do you know that?"


I mean I have loads and loads of friends in yr 7,8,9,10 & 11 I'm making friends with children everyday it's just weird! When I go to work in college after I have finsihed my studies, I pop in to classrooms and put in what the teachers need for expirments and they all beg me to stay in their lessons! It's just so sweet! I really think I have found something that I want to do for the rest of my life. I love how when I walk down the corridor how the children smile and wave at me. It's lovely! I felt so happy when I left college today and everyone said merry christmas Laura!


But above all that, the guy who I have fallen for (who happens to be a teacher but not my teacher) he has a gurlfriend which hurts me like hell! but I see his name EVERYWHERE. His sir name is on the cast of 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S' on a wine bottle, in a new movie, in a song (I can't tell you the name incase he's a member here) it's the name of a street near my college! And yet I aren't sure if he's the one I'm suppose to be with. It's just I'm getting all these kinda signs everywhere I go. It's mad! I know it sounds utterly crazy but it's the truth! I wrote about him in my last post


I'm feeling positive about life at the moment and some positive feedback would be good too.

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Here's some quote (unsure of source), that really stays in my head.



"Coincedence is simply God's way of remaining anonymous."


I've applied this to my life a zillion times and it seems to fit for me. Some are good coincedences--meeting people. Some are bad--finding something out about someone purely by happenstance.

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