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Ok, another problem that I am having is that I fooled around with a guy and I don't know if he did it because he liked me or just wanted some. I mean he chose me because there were plenty of other girls he could have hooked up with. Afterwards we haven't talked because I actually am really embarrassed about it, I think that I am sadly 17 and still not mature. I can't talk to him about it but afterwards he was so nice to me and gave me loads of attention. I kinda handle my problems in anger and since he hasn't really tried to start a relationship with me since, I have been ingnoring him and acting like I hate him. It is just my way of handling the awkwardness that I have whenever I'm around him. I can tell it hurts him that I am doing this but if he didn't just do it to get some wouldn't of he wanted a relationship by now? He knew how much I liked him before this and even though we have been distant for quite some time I would think that he would know that this would bring up feelings. How do I found out whether he was using me or likes me?


This is another shy guy problem. I don't understand why guys are so shy whenever they know that a girl likes them, I mean he has to know that he has the advantage in our relationship but he isn't making any moves towards it. He still talks to me and acts like he likes me. He gets really jealous and stares at me constantly. Should I just ask him about it or wait until he comes to me about it? I don't know what to do and it's driving me insane. For some reason he keeps telling me that i'm full of myself or to get over myself. Could that be the problem?


But my main question is why are guys so shy? I mean I have other reasons for not talking to him(awkwardness) but he has nothing and is not doing anything. Can guys really be that shy?HELP ME!!!!!!

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Well I think your main question should be about you and your own actions. Sounds like you got upset and distant before the guy even had a chance, some guys take their time in admitting wanting a relationship. You also put your heart and mind a risk by having sex with a guy before he has made that commitment. Also, if he is shy, and you are ignoring him and acting mad....why would he approach you...he is scared to death of you and has no idea what you are thinking. And I assure you, guys do not think they have the upper hand with women,,,,,most of the time they cannot figure out what we are even thinking. So, cut him some slack, chill out and tell him how you feel.

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