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Teens and Love

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Are teens today rushing into love?


One of my friends just started going out with her boyfriend.. today is their 2 week "anniversary" and they're already using the L word. He initiated it first, saying how much he loves her and telling her all of these things, and she's returned them, but it's making me think about how much adults flip out about the L word and how relaxed teens today are with using it.


I don't even think they know what they're talking about, but they're really obsessed with each other, like, they call each other every day after school and always talk about each other. They've even planned out getting married after high school.


She's known him for a few months, too, but I still don't agree with it. I think they're just too fast.


What do you think?

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but they're really obsessed with each other

I think that is basically it.

Maybe it is the beginning of love - this state of lust, but it is unrealistic to plan marriage in high school.

It can happen, and I've known people who have done it - but two weeks into the relationship is a little fast.

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Adults get nervous using it because most of them have been burned at some point by a relationship. So they go more cautiously and aren't as apt to give in to their feelings right away.


Teenagers see it as more a new and wonderful experience and don't necessarily have the past relationships to make them nervous. Not to mention the hormones are running wild and it seems to be easier to fall in love.


Of course there are many exceptions to this but this is pretty common stuff.


That doesn't mean your friend isn't in love. She probably is. But will it last? Well high school relationships can be pretty fleeting. But every once in awhile one will last and you'll find high school sweethearts getting married.


I wouldn't worry too much about her. She's enjoying her relationship and going crazy about her boyfriend. Lots can happen over the next few weeks and months.

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I personally believe it is the mass confusion of lust and infatuation instead of love. Another aspect being, a majority of teens are trying to deal with their self image and self esteem and in the United States especially it seems your "mature" behavior is outlined on the basis of your relationship quantity (quality need not apply).


As I apply it to my sister's teen generation - Dating, Friends, Sex, Drugs and Alcohol mark life and growing up for them. If you haven't had a date many will start poking questions that are absolutely none of their business. If you don't have friends you're harassed for being a loner. If you're not into underage sex you don't fit into many of the conversations thus relating back to the friendship and dating. Drugs and Alcohol just seem to be considered the "in" thing if you're "cool".


Peer Pressure and Confusion, the joys of being a teen I suppose.


Though it isn't good. Throwing around the Love term will just burden the future generations. Eventually like anything that is misused will lose its original purpose, soon people will just use the word Love as a standard "I'm still stuck with you, wa-la" term instead of "I'm madly deeply interested you, but below an obsessed stalker level, its a warm and romantic feeling actually." Thus in a few generations, love will most likely have a whole new terminology in future Dictionaries.


Everyone is in such a rush to grow up anymore, can't see the damage until its done, as it applies to words and feelings. Some will eventually mature and understand their youthful misuse, others just won't but will still use the term.

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Most teens do not understand the level of commitment, trust, word, and dedication that real love brings, nor the overwhelming rush. Not to say that some don't, just not many. But with the newness of the experience, the fact that they are experiencing changes in other ways, and the way shows dramatize relationships... they allow themselves to be wrapped up in things quicker. What may be infatuation, mutual attraction, or obsession appears to be love. There is also an element peer pressure as it seems like everyone is dating, falling in love, etc. It's why you have people at 15 depressed because they haven't had a relationship. That seems to be what you are suppose to be doing when you are a teenager.


This often carries over to the early 20's. It's the same concept, only added pressures come with age. I think it is a situation that leads many to be hurt and have problems in relationships later on. Eventually, people see just what real love is about, it just takes a long time to get to that point.

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I think that this RHCP song pretty much summarises what being a teenager in love is all about:


Teenager In Love


Each night we have a quarrel

It almost breaks my heart

'Cause I'm so afraid

That we will have to part

Each night I ask the stars up above


Why must I be a teenager in love?


One day I feel so happy

Next day I feel so sad

I guess I'll have to learn the good with the bad

Each night I ask the stars up above


Why must I be a teenager in love?


I cry a tear

For nobody but you

I'll be your lonely one if you should say we are through

Well if you want to make me cry

That won't be so hard to do

If you should say good bye I still go on loving you

Each night I ask the stars up above


Why must I be a teenager in love?


I cry a tear

For nobody but you

I'll be your lonely one if you should say we are through

Well if you want to make me cry

That won't be so hard to do

And if you should say good bye I still go on loving you

Each night I ask the stars up above


Why must I be a teenager in love?

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I honestly think that teens in this day and age are taking things a lot slower with love. Sure you fall into the lust phase of the relationship and the only thing you can think about is the other person. However this is far from love. They will soon realize this.


Anyways if you think that teens now are moving fast, imagine that back when your grandparents were your age most if not all the people in their school would have been married as soon as they got out. Then it was baby making time.


I once asked my grandma why everyone got married so young when she was my age, her reply was a shocker to me and it was that "everyone just wanted to have sex." Today extramarital sex is not such a big deal as it was back then. So no need to get married so quickly!

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Hey will i think teens can fall in love at any age but to love someone in two weeks into a relationship can not happen or highly unlikely. my boyfriend had said to me that he use to tell other girlfriends that he loved them only because they had said it to him. He had also said that his next girlfriend he would make the i love you mean something instead of just saying it, he said that when he says it to me he means it but you never know whats in his head and we have been together for alomst 7 months and we have dated once b4 but anyway love comes in many forms you can't see it, you cant touch it, you can just feel it. And if you say you cant feel love at a certain age, its like saying you cant be sad becuase you have nothing to be sad about. It's a emontion that can b felt at any level and yes teens this day and age are saying i love you to freely they need to realize what it actually means.

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Im 18 in College and my BF is 17 in high school... when he first told me that he loved me, I kind of didnt know how to react. I was thinking, does he really know what love is. I felt like I loved him but it's a very strong word to use. I told him don't say that unless you mean it and he looked me into my eyes and said he meant it. We say it to each other all the time because we mean it. Even though he is still in HS we have discussed our future together, marriage, children and all that. It could be years away but love is a incredible feeling for two people no matter how young, once you are there its euphoria.

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