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why does a guy go from being nice to being a ****

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I don't get it.. When I first starting dating my bf I thought he was really nice, I thought he was the one for me. Six months down the road he turned into a complete and utter jerk for no apparent reason. We use ot have lot's of fun together. Now we hardly even talk to each other. All he does is screams and yells and shouts out orders. and yeah here's the funny part he says that he cares about me alot. I know this isn't love so what is it???

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I've been in that situation before also. Do they change or after six months are you finally seeing the real man? Do they start taking the relationship for granted and think that you won't leave? By their behavior, you would think they want you to leave but maybe not. They might be happy and want to continue behaving like jerks and just see how much their girlfriends will take from them. Some men get lazy and don't want to put forth much effort. Did you see any red flags in the beginning? When this has happened to me, it makes me question my own judgment about men.

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Some men are too chicken-poop to break up with you themselves, so they start acting like jerks so that you break up with them. Kinda pathetic, isn't it?


This is very true and it is also true with women as well.


To the OP, your answer is simple. It's time for you to be the one issuing an order, and that order is, "It's over, don't contact me again."

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