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Do Opposites Really Attract???

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Well do they?? If you are with someone that is somewhat opposite to you can you have a good relationship?? (if the two people seem to think that with their differences they complete each other, and give each other certain qualitys they do not posses?) example: a shy girl dating an outgoing guy...because she is shy she wants someone who is outgoing..and vice versa...

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actually it depends...


for example- I am very outgoing. My boyfriend is very shy. Before me he was too shy to ever approach a girl. Infact he was SO shy and NOT outgoing that when he found out I liked him he couldn't believe it. So I told him myself and the poor thing was shaking.

But that is what I just LOVED about him, he was so shy! Turns me on...

Another oppsite which is positive is I am neurotic and he is very laid back, so we balance eachother out...


However some opposites can cause conflicts - he is not emotional- I am the total opposite which can cause fights between us, also the believing in God issue, he doesnt believe so we dont talk about it...he is messy I am very clean, drives us crazy sometimes...


it all depends. Our sense of humor must be the same or else I find the person completely irritating, and our values for the MOST part have to match up.


I wouldn't want to date someone TOO different from me but not TOO much like me...just in between! oy vey!

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While there can be physical attraction between ANY two people, the real connection happens on an emotional level. This usually begins with what two people have IN COMMON. The more two people have in common, the more "chemistry" they seemingly have, and the easier they will get along. In the short run, having an "opposite" may be interesting, but it likely won't sustain your interest for the long run.

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Yes, opposites can attract.

But I would be worried about major conflicts of opinion on matters of children, marriage, sex, morality, etc.

That could tear the relationship apart.


If it opposite tastes, opinions on minor details like fashion, etc, it could work.

There is the definite benefit of 'friction', which can be used to build sexual tension.

There is a spark, a conflict which brings about that electricity.


But, I agree with chai. It may be less likely to work out - long-term.

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Opposites may attract, but they do not form good relationships. People need to find a partner with similar attitudes, similar temprament, similar goals. What if you really liked kids, but your partner was the opposite and does not like kids? What if you were careful with money, but your partner was a free spender? Its important to find someone similar to yourself if you want a successful relationship.


A relationship between a shy person and an extrovert probably won't work well. A relationship involves atleast 2 people interacting...not just one person talking, and the other person listening. There needs to be two way interaction. That is what a relationship is all about.

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