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Ok, i don't know if anymore can help me out here, but I'll tell you guys my story anyways...

I broke up with my boyfriend a month ago because we we're fighting all the time and for the last 3 months we were going out i really wasn't happy with him anymore. We had been going out for 7 months. He was really sad when I broke up with him and i know he still is because we have been trying to keep in touch, but it has become less and less because it makes him too upset to keep talking to me (which i can understand). So for the last 3 days now we have been NC.

About a week ago i started dating someone else and i asked him out because iv liked him for quite awhile. But now that im going out with someone else everytime I'm with him I always wish I could be with my ex bf. I get so sad that whenever I'm with my new bf I have to leave because I miss my ex so much. I can't seem to figure out why I started missing my ex so much as soon as i started dating someone else, but sometimes i think its because i was so used to the way my ex treated me that im just not used to the new lifestyle of someone else. Its only been a month since me and my ex have broken up, so i know forsure that im not over him yet. Was going out with someone else a bad idea after breaking up with someone so soon and not being over them yet? I still love my ex bf, and it just seems wrong to be going out with someone else when i still feel this way. I do think me and my new bf have potential for a healthy relationship, but i'm starting to think that maybe i need some time to myself. i really don't know what to do. Any help would be appreciated.

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After a break up (doesn't matter if you are the dumper of dumpee) you should be able to take a break from everything and just heal emotionally...


Dating is not something that should be done right away...


take time for yourself. Go out with your friends...volunteer at the local animal pound..adopt a pet...etc..


go out and take care of YOU.



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I agree with Zoe, above.


Relationships that start following a breakup are usually for the purpose of filling the void that an ex left in one's life. They are very seldom about the true qualities of the other person. This is often called a "rebound" relationship.


In many ways I have problems with rebound relationships because generally the other person gets hurt pretty badly.


Like Zoe said, I think it is best to take a break for "everything" and just heal yourself.


Take care

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