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Hey Everybody!!!

How's is going? I hope everything is well.

Things have been okay.

There are going to be major changes when I return to school.

I'll be living on campus, and with a roomate.

This is hard because I've isolated myself. I've felt so fragile and afraid of being hurt that I prefer to keep to myself.

Now I'm being thrown in "the mix".

It seems like everytime I return to school I'm faced with something new and nerve-racking.

Moving is such a pain.

I think the lesson I'm being forced to learn is, "how to be flexible" & "how to overcome living in fear".

Things are much better since the hearing. I feel more relaxed. I feel a sense of closure.

The other night I had a dream that my ex broke into my apartment and attempted to execute me with a shotgun. Weird huh? It seemed to come out of nowhere. Although I was watching a movie with shotguns in it that day.

For a little while I couldn't go back to sleep, and I must say I was feeling a little nervous because some of my dreams have come true before.

However I think that most of the fear I've had regarding my ex has diminished.

How is everything going with you?

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