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i really hurt myself.


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I will hold firm in my stance and say that does boil down to their level of maturity in this situation and their willingness to let go of their pride and ego. Is it really worth it to cause this much drama between themselves for an issue such as this? An issue of casual dating where there is no exclusivity nor commitment? I'm sorry, but I've been in the same situation before, and I was not about ready to let the guy come between me and my friend. Even if it is an unwritten dating code, no one comes between me and my friends, I will not let them.


That is exactly what they have done - kept their friendship and not allowed teacup to come between them. Perhaps they are not so immature after all.

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That is exactly what they have done - kept their friendship and not allowed teacup to come between them. Perhaps they are not so immature after all.


Well here's why I think they're a bit mad. The only person of the three who knew you were seeing both of them was teacup. In that respect, they feel she was keeping information from them, which she was. When people feel like someone has been keeping information like that from them, they are going to start to feel like they are being played. That doesn't have one iota to do with maturity level ... noone likes the feeling that they've been deceived, regardless of how mature they are.


Now, the reaction that guy1 had was completely stupid because he had no right to expect his relationship with teacup was exclusive. That's just a dumb thing to say. But guy1 and guy2 are kind of justified to be annoyed that teacup didn't tell them she was dating both of them at once. I mean, that's to be expected, i think. It doesn't appear to me like teacup wanted to 'play' them, but I have to tell you when information like that is not disclosed it's very easy to feel as if you have been played.


So I wouldn't recommend teacup beat herself up about this. It's not that big a deal. But it is a learning experience in a few ways. First, try not to date friends simultaneously ... it's just really tricky and a bad move imo. Second, if you are dating people who know each other, or who you find out know each other, just tell them what's happening as soon as you learn of that. That way, your conscience is clean and you've kept everyone as informed of the facts as you are. But again I wouldn't make a big deal about this. These 2 may be ticked at you for a while, but that's just a good reason to move on to something else.

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