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I Hate My Hair!!!!!!

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There are so many things I hate about myself, but one of the things that bothers me the most is my hair =/. I have the finest straight hair that you can have. I cant style my hair at all. I feel so unatractive because of my hair, I want to grow a shag so bad but my hair wont let me it would look like total crap. So I have to keep it fairly short and the only thing I can really do is the dip and I'm so sick of the dip but theres nothing else I can do, I have to use so much gel to keep my hair up and my hairs always so damn crusty!!!


It's so frustrating I have 3 sisters and one of them is a hairstylist and even she cant think of anything I can do =/. And it really sucks cause my best friend is very attractive to females so I always feel like I look bad whenever I'm with him, cause he also struts his stuff cause he knows girls melt over him.

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Wow!! This is a similar dilemma to what I have... I went out last Saturday night, all made up and everything, but one of my best friends noted that I still wasn't completely confident and it was because of my hair. So after that she told me I have to get it cut. And I have a hair styling appointment this Friday, but I'm so scared because I have the crappiest hair ever (I have trichotillomania, which is an obsessive-compulsive disorder and causes me to pull out my hair actually.. so it looks so uneven and unhealthy...) I just don't know what to do with it (it's about shoulder-length now but I always pull it up in a ponytail, and it doesn't accentuate my features well or anything. Otherwise, I look great, I was recommended for modelling but my hair just weighs me down so much, it's the one thing that makes me feel unattractive...and because there's not much to work with I'm scared they'll screw it up. I'm going to one of the best salons in my city though, but still... how do you ensure you'll look alright??

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